Title: Lauren Petrie, Analyst, National Audit Office
Date: 21 March 2019
Following our recent report on the apprenticeships programme, we’ve built an interactive visualisation which looks at some of the data we analysed in more detail.
Beginning with the first dashboard, Monthly Starts.
This graph shows the number of apprenticeship starts each month for the last 4 academic years. There’s a peak in starts each September, highlighted in yellow. The red dashed line shows where reforms to the apprenticeships programme were introduced in April 2017, including the introduction of the apprenticeship levy.
The area in grey is where the normal pattern of starts is disrupted, with a large spike in starts before the reforms and a drop in starts after. Hover over each point to see the exact number of starts for that month.
The buttons on the left allow you to look at the number of apprenticeship starts for different groups. For example, you can split the data by age groups [mouse click], look at the old-style frameworks compared with the newer standards, or view the data by different sectors.
The final dashboard, Maps, shows apprenticeship starts across England.
Areas of the map are coloured by the number of apprenticeship starts per 1,000 working-age population. The darker shaded areas indicate a higher number of starts.
Hover over an area to see the location name and click for more information.
Use the plus or minus buttons to zoom into an area or click and drag to move the map around.
Use the drop-down selector to look at different boundaries or to view different apprenticeship levels.
I hope this guide helps you navigate your way through our dashboards. If you would like more information, please visit our website.