Search results for 'transport'

Showing 141 - 160 of 280 results

  1. Reducing passenger rail delays by better management of incidents

    Report Value for money

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    In 2006-07, almost 800,000 incidents caused 14 million minutes of delay to rail journeys costing a minimum of £1 billion in terms of time lost to passengers, according to a report released today by the National Audit Office. There was a sharp increase in delay minutes after the Hatfield derailment in October 2000 and the […]

  2. Electronic service delivery in the Driver, Vehicle and Operator Agencies in Great Britain

    Report Value for money

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    Since the early 1990s, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), Driving Standards Agency and the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency have made some of their services available either through the internet, by telephone or through business to business computer systems. A report released today by the National Audit Office has found that these developments […]

  3. UK Guarantees scheme for infrastructure

    Report Value for money

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    Under the Scheme, the Treasury guarantees that lenders to infrastructure projects will be repaid in full and on time, irrespective of project performance. The NAO is calling for the Treasury to be rigorous and objective in assessing whether the guarantees, which transfer risk to the public sector, are genuinely needed.

  4. Vehicle Excise Duty Accounts 2006-07

    Report Financial audit

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    The evasion of road tax by motorists and motorcyclists has increased significantly, the National Audit Office has reported. According to the Department for Transport’s roadside survey in June 2006, Vehicle Excise Duty evasion was running at some 5 per cent (£217 million), up from 3.6 per cent (£147 million) the previous year. The Driver and […]

  5. The Management of Staff Sickness Absence in Department of Transport and its agencies

    Report Value for money

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    Staff sickness absence in the Department for Transport and its agencies averaged 10.4 days in 2005, costing the taxpayer around £24 million a year, according to a new NAO report published today. Performance varies across the Department, and some parts such as the central department, the Highways Agency and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency compare […]

  6. Highways Agency: Contracting for Highways Maintenance

    Report Value for money

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    Since the introduction of a new type of maintenance contract in 2001 by the Highways Agency there have been some improvements in the quality and delivery to budget of maintenance on England’s motorways and trunk roads.  However, according to a report by the National Audit Office, costs have risen, with those for routine maintenance increasing […]

  7. The sale of the Government’s interest in British Energy

    Report Value for money

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    The Government received a good price when selling its interest in British Energy. But it is too early to say whether the sale will enable the Government to achieve its strategic objective of ensuring nuclear operators are able to build and operate new nuclear power stations from the earliest possible date and with no public […]

  8. High Speed Two: A progress update

    Press release

    Published on:

    This report examines whether DfT
    and HS2 Ltd have protected value for money so far in their stewardship of HS2.

  9. Department for Transport: Estimating and monitoring the costs of building roads in England

    Report Value for money

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    Building and improving the country’s roads are proving to be more expensive than originally estimated, according to a new report published today by the National Audit Office. The report looks at the Highways Agency’s investment in motorways and major trunk roads and local authority major roads schemes funded by the Department for Transport. The Department […]

  10. Submission of evidence: Controls on regulation

    Report Value for money

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    The Better Regulation Executive is currently reviewing controls on regulation. This document is the National Audit Office’s submission to that review. It is based on a combination of our previous work and new work with five case study departments earlier this year.

  11. A5 Queue relocation in Dunstable

    Report Value for money

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    A new traffic scheme in Dunstable has not delivered the expected benefits, according to a report by the National Audit Office published today. Dunstable town centre suffers severe traffic congestion, due to limited road capacity and high volumes of heavy goods vehicles, causing poor air quality. The Dunstable A5 queue relocation scheme was designed to […]

  12. Proposed light rail schemes in Leeds, Manchester and South Hampshire. A review by the National Audit Office of the role of the Department for Transport

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has examined the role of of the Department for Transport in assessing the revised proposals for light rail schemes in Leeds, Manchester and South Hampshire. Funding for these three schemes was originally approved by the Department in 2000 and 2001. But substantial increases in projected costs led to the Department withdrawing […]

  13. Local authority capital expenditure and resourcing

    Report Interactive visualisation

    Published on:

    Explore the trends in capital expenditure and resourcing since 2010-11 and build a richer understanding of what they mean for different local authorities.