Search results for 'transport'

Showing 261 - 280 of 286 results

  1. Performance Brief: A summary of National Audit Office Reports of the Department for Transport 2007-08


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    This briefing paper for the Select Committee provides an overview of the work of the National Audit Office relevant to the performance of the Department for Transport in the financial year 2007-08 and subsequent months. It takes as its basis the targets and objectives of the Department and the work of the National Audit Office (NAO) in reviewing areas relevant to those targets and objectives.

  2. Progress report on maintaining competition in markets

    Report Value for money

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    The Office of Fair Trading has improved its operations following recommendations on maintaining competition in markets made by the National Audit Office and Committee of Public Accounts in 2005 and 2006. According to an NAO progress report published today, the OFT now needs to concentrate its efforts on strengthening the skills and experience of its […]

  3. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Glossary of terms

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z Accountability The obligation of individuals and organisations to report on their actions and be answerable to others for what they have done. Administrative law The branch of law which governs public bodies in the exercise of their public functions. Advance payment Payment made to a provider […]

  4. The Financial Analysis for the London Underground Public Private Partnerships 

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that the financial analysis* carried out for the London Underground Public Private Partnerships cannot, on its own, be expected to show clearly which public or private sector option for managing and funding the Tube will provide better value for money. Sir John […]

  5. The UK border: preparedness for EU exit

    Press release

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    This report assesses how prepared government departments are for the changes required at the border after EU exit.

  6. English devolution deals

    Press release

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    Devolution deals to devolve power from central government to local areas in England offer opportunities to stimulate economic growth and reform public services for local users, but the arrangements are untested and government could do more to provide confidence that these deals will achieve the benefits intended

  7. The Thames Gateway: Laying the Foundations

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has today called for a step change improvement in how central government departments work with each other and with regional and local bodies, if the Government’s ambitious aspirations for the Thames Gateway region are to be realised. The Government has set out its vision to make the Thames Gateway, the area […]

  8. Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Managing risk in the Overseas Territories

    Report Value for money

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    The UK bears the ultimate risk of potential liabilities from its overseas territories such as Anguilla, Montserrat and the Falkland Islands; and, while progress has been made in managing and mitigating these risks since the last report by the National Audit Office in 1997, there is room for improvement, the NAO has reported today. The […]

  9. Partnering for success: Preparing to deliver the 14-19 education reforms in England

    Report Value for money

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    The government’s reform programme to improve attainment and participation in education and training for 14 to 19 year olds has wide support at local level, including for the new Diplomas, which seek to blend general education with applied learning. The National Audit Office has today reported that the reform programme has met its key milestones […]

  10. Department for Communities and Local Government: Housing Market Renewal

    Report Value for money

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    The pathfinders housing market renewal programme has been running for five years and the government has commited £2.2 billion to it up to 2011. Low demand for housing is now less severe in pathfinder areas and the gap between these areas and surrounding regions has started to close. However, it is not possible to identify […]

  11. How European cities achieve renaissance

    Report Value for money

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    As part of our work to evaluate how well the UK Government is tackling the renewal of the Thames Gateway we explored how seven European cities or regions are tackling ambitious regeneration and bringing sustainable growth and renewal to local communities. We published our research as a companion piece to the Thames Gateway report.

  12. Building for the future: Sustainable construction and refurbishment on the government estate

    Report Value for money

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    The majority of government departments and agencies are failing to meet targets to make their new buildings and major refurbishments sustainable, according to a report published today by the National Audit Office. As a result, value for money may be lost from the £3billion which departments and agencies spend each year on this activity. A […]

  13. Evaluation of Regulatory Impact Assessments 2005-06

    Report Value for money

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    Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAs) are often not used in the right way, according to a report published today by the National Audit Office. The report finds that the purpose of RIAs is not always understood, there is a lack of clarity in the presentation of the analysis and persistent weaknesses in the assessments. As a […]

  14. Modernising Construction

    Report Value for money

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    The urgent need for change in how government departments and agencies procure and manage new construction projects, currently worth some £7.5 billion a year, is highlighted today in a National Audit Office report. It concludes that there is now no excuse for government clients and the industry to fail to take advantage of readily available […]

  15. English Regions – Getting Citizens Involved: Community Participation in Neighbourhood Renewal

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that single Community Programme funding is leading to greater involvement of deprived communities in influencing local decisions but more needs to be done to reach all sectors and groups. Thanks to simple and straightforward grant application procedures the Programme has been successful […]

  16. Government on the Web II

    Report Value for money

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    Presenting the report to Parliament Sir John Bourn, the head of the NAO, recognised the effort and resources being put into boosting central government presence on-line and in promoting e-government among local authorities. The Office of the e-Envoy has given a clear cultural lead from the centre to departments developing e-business initiatives. But to maximise […]

  17. The Invest to Save Budget

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that the Invest to Save (ISB) programme has fostered better working together by organisations, departments, agencies and local authorities. But there is less evidence of what the programme has achieved in terms of tangible outputs. In its study of the Invest to Save Budget, […]