Search results for 'contract management'

Showing 201 - 220 of 350 results

  1. HM Revenue & Customs: ASPIRE – the re-competition of outsourced IT services

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    IT services are crucial for HM Revenue & Customs’ business. In its procurement of the £3 billion IT outsourcing contract, ASPIRE, the Department secured competition for a contract which meets its IT needs, and completed the transfer to the new supplier Capgemini without loss of service to customers. The Department secured the competition by contributing […]

  2. NAO briefing: Regulating charities: a landscape review


    Published on:

    This paper draws together evidence on the current landscape of charity regulation and the charity sector more generally. It was prepared for the Public Administration Select Committee.

  3. Preparations for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games – Risk assessment and management

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Today’s report, which is the National Audit Office’s first on the preparations for London 2012, identifies six main risk areas which may impact on the Games: Delivering the Games against an immovable deadline. The need for strong governance and delivery structures given the multiplicity of organisations and groups involved in the Games. The requirement for […]

  4. Sure Start Children’s Centres

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Sure Start Children’s Centres are valued by most of the families who use them, according to the National Audit Office. The families reached by children’s centres are some of the most disadvantaged, though the early signs are that more still needs to be done to reach and support some of the most excluded groups. The […]

  5. Big science: Public investment in large scientific facilities

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Government’s investment in large scientific facilities is starting to deliver a significant programme including such projects as the research ship RRS James Cook and the Diamond Synchrotron light source, according to an NAO report published today. Some project teams, however, have significantly underestimated the likely running costs of facilities and more attention needs to […]

  6. Improving the PFI tendering process

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The NAO has concluded in a new report published today that the tendering process for PFI projects needs improvement. During 2004-2006, PFI projects took an average of almost three years (34 months) to tender. Although there was substantial variation between sectors with schools, in particular, taking significantly less time to close deals (25 months), the […]

  7. Decommissioning toolkit
    Pre-conditions for successful decommissioning

    This page is part of our decommissioning toolkit. If decommissioning is to be successful, certain skills and competencies need to be in place, namely: change management skills; stakeholder management skills; and commissioning skills. Change management skills Like effective commissioning, decommissioning is a change process and requires a range of competencies and skills associated with managing […]

  8. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Risk management

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. This section summarises sections on risk management in “Intelligent Monitoring: an Element of Financial Relationships with Third Sector Organisations” published by the National Audit Office in 2009. What is risk management? Any financial agreement carries some risk [Note 1].  Manage risk, do not seek to eliminate it.  […]

  9. Identity and Passport Service: Introduction of ePassports

    Report Value for money

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    The Identity and Passport Service has successfully completed its project to introduce electronic passports, or ePassports, on time and to the required international standards. However, longer term risks to value for money remain because of the newness of the technology and unknown performance of border control readers in high-volume situations, a National Audit Office report […]

  10. High Speed Two: A progress update

    Press release

    Published on:

    This report examines whether DfT
    and HS2 Ltd have protected value for money so far in their stewardship of HS2.

  11. Improving procurement in further education colleges in England

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Each year the 384 further education colleges in England spend £1.6 billion on a range of goods and services from books and stationery to examination fees and energy bills. Some colleges recognise the benefits of introducing more efficient and effective processes, but many need to improve their processes substantially, and could contribute to plans to […]

  12. Improving the prison estate

    Press release

    Published on:

    This report examines the condition and capacity of HM Prison and Probation Service’s prison estate.

  13. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Scale of financing

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. For a public body, widening the geographic scope, or adding to the range, of services to be delivered, and thus the financial value of a grant or contract, can deliver economies of scale.  However, this can deter many third sector organisations (TSOs), which may be small organisations, […]

  14. Completing Crossrail

    Press release

    Published on:

    This report examines the causes of the cost increases and delays to the Crossrail programme.