Search results for 'Tax'

Showing 261 - 280 of 392 results

  1. Financial Auditing and Reporting: General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General 2004-05

    Report Value for money

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    Government departments are continuing to make progress in improving the quality and timeliness of their accounts which they submit for audit. However, according to head of the National Audit Office Sir John Bourn, a large number of departments will need to make significant further effort if they are to meet the Treasury’s timetable for the […]

  2. Vehicle Excise Duty Account 2005-06

    Report Financial audit

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    Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office, today reported to Parliament on the Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) accounts for 2005-06. The VED evasion rate increased from 3.4 percent in 2004 to 3.6 percent in 2005 (£147 million). This reversed the previous decrease, and the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) acknowledges that it […]

  3. HM Revenue & Customs 2005-06 Accounts: The Comptroller and Auditor General’s Standard Report

    Report Financial audit

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the NAO, today published a report on HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC’s) accounts for the year 2005-2006. HMRC collected total revenue of some £404 billion. For the fourth year running, Sir John has qualified his opinion on the Trust Statement in respect of tax credits because of the likely level […]

  4. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Standard Report on the Accounts of the Inland Revenue 2004-05

    Report Financial audit

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the NAO, today published a report on the Inland Revenue’s accounts for the year 2004-2005. The Inland Revenue collected some £256.9 billion in the year. Sir John confirmed that overall the Inland Revenue continued to secure an effective check over the assessment, collection and allocation of tax during the year. […]

  5. Filing of Income Tax Self Assessment Returns

    Report Value for money

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    The Department has stemmed the fall in the percentage of people filing their tax returns by the deadline, so that just over 90 per cent file their returns by the end of January each year, according to the National Audit Office. However, an estimated £1.1 billion of income tax was outstanding from 1.1 million overdue […]

  6. VAT on e-commerce

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    The National Audit Office has today backed HM Revenue and Customs’ assessment that the overall risk to VAT revenue from on-line shopping, or e-commerce, is currently low. The Department has been alert to specific areas of risk which have emerged and is well-positioned to tackle these. As activity increases in this fast changing environment, it […]

  7. Inland Revenue: Inheritance Tax

    Report Value for money

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    The Inland Revenue has in recent years improved the way it checks compliance with Inheritance Tax. It has also done a great deal to reduce the burden on those who have to sort out the tax affairs of an estate when someone dies. Today’s report from head of the NAO Sir John Bourn highlights ways […]

  8. Investigation into the Bounce Back Loan Scheme

    Press release

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    This investigation describes the scheme’s purpose and how it functions, performance to date, and how government manages value-for-money risks.

  9. National Insurance Fund Account 2004-05

    Report Financial audit

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    Clarification Point 2 in the C&AG introduction (page 26), should read: “From April 2003 an additional one per cent National Insurance contribution has been collected and allocated directly to the National Health Service, bringing the total payments to the NHS to some £16.8 billion in 2004-2005 (£14.9 billion in 2003-2004).” Head of the National Audit […]

  10. Decision support tool
    Annex A: Note on legal forms of TSOs and charitable status

    This page is part of our decision support tool. What is meant by the term ‘third sector organisation’ (TSO)? Organisations are traditionally divided on the basis of‘private’ or ‘public’, and ‘for-profit’ or ‘not-for-profit’.Organisations which are established on a not-for-profit basis, and which are not directly controlled by the state (not part of the public sector) […]

  11. Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs annual accounts 2017-18

    Press release

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    Amyas Morse, the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) of the National Audit Office, has reported on the 2017-18 accounts of HM Revenue & Customs. His report focuses on tax revenue; Personal Tax Credits and Child Benefit error and fraud; and HMRC’s digital transformation programme.

  12. Comptroller and Auditor General’s Standard Report on the Accounts of HM Customs and Excise 2004-05

    Report Financial audit

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, today reported the results of his examination of HM Customs’ systems for the assessment, collection and allocation of tax revenue during the year ending 31 March 2005. In 2004-05 Customs collected £120.7 billion (net) in taxes and duties. Sir John’s report focuses on Customs’ work to […]