Search results for 'Society and culture'

Showing 141 - 160 of 162 results

  1. Millennium Commission Accounts 1999-2000

    Report Financial audit

    Published on:

    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, today reported to Parliament on the 1999-2000 account of the Millennium Commission, without qualifying his audit opinion on those accounts. The full text of his report is attached.

  2. The Millennium Dome

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that the targets for visitor numbers and income required by the Millennium Dome were highly ambitious and inherently risky. They involved a significant degree of financial exposure on the project, which materialised when the targets were missed. Sir John was commenting on the […]

  3. The Gaming Board: Better Regulation

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that the Gaming Board could benefit both taxpayers and the gaming industry by making further improvements to its regulatory work. The NAO looked at whether the Board could improve its performance by: removing unnecessary regulation and relying more on the regulatory and […]

  4. Arts Council of England: Monitoring major Capital Projects Funded by the National Lottery

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today on the way in which the Arts Council of England manage the risks during the construction phase of major capital projects funded by the National Lottery. He found that the Arts Council have, from the outset, adopted a pro-active approach to monitoring […]

  5. Ministry of Defence. Delivering digital tactical communications through the Bowman CIP programme

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Ministry of Defence’s £2.4 billion programme to transform battlefield communications, command and control through the joint introduction of Bowman digital radios and the advanced Combat Infrastructure Platform (CIP) to an exacting 30 month timescale, has been recast. A revised programme and a further £121 million of funding have been approved to deliver the capabilities […]

  6. The BBC’s understanding of its audiences and users

    Press release

    Published on:

    The report examines whether to inform decisions across the BBC, the Corporation efficiently, effectively and economically understands how people use and respond to the full range of its services.

  7. VisitBritain: Bringing visitors to Britain

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that VisitBritain’s overseas marketing activities are well planned and executed, and that they achieve high returns. However his report called on VisitBritain to adjust the balance of its activities further in favour of brand building work in emerging markets. VisitBritain’s main performance […]

  8. Managing the BBC’s workforce

    Press release

    Published on:

    The BBC’s approach to managing its workforce shows definite progress. It will need to monitor workforce changes carefully to build on the recent progress it has made.

  9. The BBC: Collecting the television licence fee

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office reported today that there has been a downward trend in TV Licence fee evasion. But evasion is costing the BBC an estimated £141 million a year in lost revenue, and more on some estimates. This is equivalent to an extra £6 being available to the BBC […]

  10. BBC World Service

    Press release

    Published on:

    The BBC World Service has used savings generated since 2010 to invest in new digital and television services. There is, however, scope to improve the approach to target setting and performance reporting.

  11. The Private Finance Initiative: The Contract for the Defence Fixed Telecommunications System

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Ministry of Defence achieved a good price when they awarded the contract for a new Defence Fixed Telecommunication System to BT in 1997, Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today. The ten year contract let under the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) is expected to cost £612 million with a […]

  12. Management of the BBC’s critical projects

    Press release

    Published on:

    BBC has improved the way it manages its business critical projects. Most are on course to deliver and achieve their intended benefits but needs to do more to manage its critical projects as a coherent portfolio.

  13. The English National Stadium Project at Wembley

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s decision to provide additional public funding for the English national stadium project at Wembley is an example of well managed risk taking, Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office said today. The Department, working closely with Sport England, has thoroughly reviewed the project and taken appropriate […]

  14. Progress on 15 Major Capital Projects Funded by Arts Council England

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that an examination of 15 major capital projects funded by Arts Council England shows that most are delivering the intended benefits in terms of, for example, the number of performances and productions, the level of visitors, and the quality of the new facilities. […]

  15. Awarding the new licence to run the National Lottery

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that the National Lottery Commission had a sound basis for its decision to award the second licence to run the National Lottery to Camelot. However, he expressed concerns for the future about the extent of competition and the advantages held by the incumbent […]

  16. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport: The Re-negotiation of the PFI-type Deal for the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that the Royal Armouries* in July 1999 successfully negotiated a revised deal with Royal Armouries (International) plc** (“RAI”) which ensured that the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds remained open. The revised deal has also made it possible for the future redevelopment of […]

  17. BBC TV Licence fee collection

    Press release

    Published on:

    The BBC has improved the value for money of its activity, but there is scope to make improvements, particularly on licence fee evasion and the incomplete transition programme.

  18. National Citizen Service

    Press release

    Published on:

    Having shown that the concept of a national citizen service has something to offer young people, to demonstrate value for money the OCS and the Trust now need to show they can grow NCS as intended and run it at a more affordable cost to the taxpayer.