Search results for 'Society and culture'

Showing 61 - 80 of 160 results

  1. 2012-13 review of the data systems for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Review of a sample of the data systems underpinning the input and impact indicators in the Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s Business Plan, Common Areas of Spend and wider management information.
    This review was carried out on the 2012-15 Business Plan. Revised Business Plans were issued in June 2013.

  2. The BBC’s move to Salford

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The relocation took place on time and without disruption to broadcasts and should be within budget. But it is too early to judge value for money for licence fee payers.

  3. The Sovereign Grant

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The National Audit Office has today supplied a memorandum to the Public Accounts Committee on the Sovereign Grant and its financial management.

  4. Department for Culture, Media and Sport Accounts 2011-12

    Report Financial audit

    Published on:

    The Comptroller & Auditor General’s audit opinion of the 2011-12 DCMS accounts was qualified due to the accounts not accurately reflecting the value of certain assets held within the Group.

  5. The Superfast (Rural) Broadband Programme: update

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    An update for the Committee of Public Accounts on the Programme’s progress, including rollout and take-up of superfast broadband under Phase 1 (delivery to 90% of UK premises by December 2016) and comments on initial progress for phase 2.

  6. Financial Management at the BBC

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The BBC demonstrates sound financial management but must align its spending decisions more closely with its strategic priorities.

  7. Royal Air Force Museum White Paper 2012-2013

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Amyas Morse, the Comptroller and Auditor General, has qualified his audit opinion on the 2012-13 Royal Air Force (RAF) Museum accounts in relation to the part of the Museum staff’s pay award for which it did not have ministerial approval.

  8. Department for Culture, Media and Sport: Financial management

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has improved the maturity of its financial management in a number of areas, but the NAO has not been able to conclude that the Department is achieving value for money.

  9. The BBC’s efficiency programme

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    A report on the BBC’s progress to date in delivering efficiency savings required by the BBC Trust following the 2007 licence fee settlement.