Search results for 'Social care'

Showing 321 - 340 of 425 results

  1. Financial sustainability of local authorities 2018

    Press release

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    This report reviews developments in the sector and examines whether the Department, along with other departments with responsibility for local services, understands the impact of funding reductions on the financial and service sustainability of local authorities.

  2. Investigation into pre-school vaccinations

    Press release

    Published on:

    This investigation sets out the system for providing vaccinations to pre-school children in England and the levels of uptake.

  3. Tackling Child Obesity – First Steps

    Report Value for money

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    Without clearer leadership from Departments there is a risk that the Government’s target to halt the rise in obesity in children under 11 will not be met. This is a key finding of a joint report published today by the Audit Commission, the Healthcare Commission and the National Audit Office. The report investigates the strength […]

  4. Dr Foster Intelligence: A joint venture between the Information Centre and Dr Foster LLP

    Report Value for money

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    The Department of Health and the Information Centre could not demonstrate to the National Audit Office’s satisfaction that they had achieved value for money in establishing Dr Foster Intelligence, a joint venture between the Information Centre and a private sector company Dr Foster LLP. This is primarily because they did not go out to tender […]

  5. Department of Health – The Paddington Health Campus scheme

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, the head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today on the cancellation of the Paddington Health Campus scheme in June 2005 at a cost of £15 million. The scheme was a complex and ambitious attempt to build a world-class healthcare facility and ultimately proved to be beyond the capacity of […]

  6. Investigation into NHS spending on generic medicines in primary care

    Press release

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    This investigation looks at the 2017-18 increase in NHS spending on certain generic medicines, possible causes of the price increases in the market for generic medicines, and how the Department of Health and Social Care responded to the price increases.

  7. Patient Choice at the Point of GP Referral

    Report Value for money

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    The Department of Health has made progress towards its target that, by December 2005, each NHS patient referred by a GP for non-emergency hospital treatment will be offered a choice of four or five healthcare providers. However, according to the National Audit Office, there remain significant risks for the Department to manage, especially that of […]

  8. The Management of Suspensions of Clinical Staff in NHS Hospital and Ambulance Trusts in England

    Report Value for money

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    There is a pressing need for the Department of Health, Strategic Health Authorities and NHS trusts to improve their management of suspensions of clinical staff, according to the head of the National Audit Office, Sir John Bourn. Today’s report to Parliament, while acknowledging the paramount importance of protecting patient safety, highlights concerns about the length […]

  9. Progress in improving the medical assessment of incapacity and disability benefits

    Report Value for money

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    The head of the National Audit Office, Sir John Bourn, today reported to Parliament that the Department for Work and Pensions and their contractor Schlumberger have improved arrangements for the medical assessment of benefit claims since the National Audit Office reported on this subject in 2001. They have improved the speed of processing, the standard […]

  10. NHS Pay Modernisation: New contracts for general practice services in England

    Report Value for money

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    The new contract for general practice has contributed to improved recruitment and retention of GPs, with numbers increasing from 26,833 to 30,931 since 2003. However, according to a report out today by the National Audit Office, the contract has cost the Department £1.76 billion more than it originally budgeted for. Today’s report found that, in […]

  11. Department of Health: Improving Emergency Care in England

    Report Value for money

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    NHS trusts have achieved a large and sustained reduction in the length of time patients spend in accident and emergency (A&E) departments, largely through improved working practices. This reduction has followed a strongly increased focus, since 2002, by the Department of Health on trusts ensuring that patients spend no more than four hours in A&E. […]

  12. Tackling cancer in England: saving more lives

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that cancer patients are increasingly surviving the disease as a result of the new initiatives launched by the Department of Health and the NHS over the last decade. But the NHS needs to continue to do more to ensure all patients are treated swiftly […]

  13. Care Quality Commission regulating health and social care

    Press release

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    Although the Commission has improved as an organisation, it needs to overcome some persistent issues with the timeliness of some of its regulation activities if it is to sustain further improvement.