Search results for 'Social care'

Showing 1 - 20 of 425 results

  1. Department of Health & Social Care 2023-24

    Overview Departmental overview

    Published on:

    DHSC spent £191.3 billion in 2023-24. This report provides an introduction to DHSC and our examination of its spending and performance.

  2. Progress in preventing cardiovascular disease

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    A review of how NHS Health Checks are provided in England is needed to improve the system for preventing cardiovascular disease.

  3. Clinical negligence costs

    Work in progress

    Autumn 2025

    This National Audit Office upcoming report will set out the scale of changes to clinical negligence costs and what is driving these changes.

  4. Departmental Overview 2020-21: Department of Health & Social Care

    Overview Departmental overview

    Published on:

    A summary of the key information and insights that can be gained from our examinations of the Department of Health & Social Care (the Department), the NHS, and related bodies in the health sector in England over the two financial years since April 2020.

  5. Access to unplanned or urgent care

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    A National Audit Office (NAO) report assessing the government’s approach to improving urgent and emergency care services in England.

  6. Progress in improving mental health services in England

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Despite funding and staffing levels for mental health services increasing, and more patients being treated, millions of people with mental health needs are still not accessing services, with some facing lengthy waits for treatment, according to a new National Audit Office report.

  7. The NHS at 75: what have decades of NAO audits told us?

    Insight Opinion

    Published on:

    Senior Audit Manager Natalie Low gives an NAO perspective on the NHS as it turns 75. What has many decades of the NAO auditing one of the largest employers in the world revealed?

  8. Reducing the harm from illegal drugs

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Our report looks at whether the government is well positioned to achieve its drug strategy’s 10-year ambitions.