Search results for 'Policing'

Showing 81 - 100 of 141 results

  1. Implementing transparency

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Better access to public information can improve accountability and service delivery. Government needs a firm grasp of whether that potential is being realised.

  2. Online Fraud

    Press release

    Published on:

    Online fraud is now the most commonly experienced crime in England and Wales, but has been overlooked by government, law enforcement and industry.

  3. Local auditor reporting in England 2018

    Press release

    Published on:

    The number of NHS and local government bodies with weaknesses in their arrangements for delivering value for money is increasing.

  4. Investigation into Police and Firefighters’ Pension Scheme Commutation factors

    Press release

    Published on:

    This looks at the chain of events which led to the government paying £711m in compensation to 34,000 pensioners who retired from the Police and Firefighters’ Pension Schemes between 2001 and 2006 without receiving their full pension entitlement. Due to the extent of the legal process in the case, some police and firefighters were retired for over 15 years before they received their full pension entitlement from government.

  5. Tackling serious and organised crime

    Press release

    Published on:

    This report examines whether the government tackles serious and organised crime in an effective and coherent way.

  6. Reducing modern slavery

    Press release

    Published on:

    Until the government is able to establish effective oversight of the modern slavery system as a whole, it will not be able to significantly reduce the prevalence of modern slavery or show that it is achieving value for money.

  7. Progress in setting up combined authorities

    Press release

    Published on:

    For combined authorities to deliver real progress they will need to demonstrate that they can drive economic growth and contribute to public sector reform.

  8. Vehicle and Operator Services Agency: Enforcement of regulations on commercial vehicles

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) has increased the number of dangerous commercial vehicles that it removes from the roads from 28,900 in 2007-08 to 36,500 in 2008-09, but the Agency could make better use of its resources and the effectiveness of its roadside checks is constrained according to a National Audit Office report […]