Achieving net zero
Published on:This report applies experience from auditing cross-government challenges to highlight the risks government needs to manage to achieve net zero.
This report applies experience from auditing cross-government challenges to highlight the risks government needs to manage to achieve net zero.
How NHS England has handled a backlog of 374,000 items.
This report outlines how the public service pensions landscape has changed since the Hutton Review and highlights future challenges.
This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. If you have decided to use grant as the basis for a financial relationship, you then have the further option of choosing to use a particular type of grant, known as ‘grant-in-aid’ (in central government) or ‘strategic grant’ (especially in local government and the NHS). The key […]
This report examines whether the government is likely to meet its ambitions for children and young people’s mental health services.
The National Audit Office reported today that, four years into the 10-year NHS Cancer Plan, substantial progress has been made in meeting the Plan’s targets. The thirty-four cancer networks which have been established have achieved important improvements in delivering cancer services across England. However, the networks need to be more effective and to develop partnership […]
This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. When you are establishing the outcomes for your programme, you may draw on a number of sources: Needs assessment. What does research show about the needs of your target client group? For example, if one of the main needs is a higher rate of vaccination among the children […]
This report examines whether the NHS is well placed to get value for money from its investment in developing new care models through vanguards.
This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. There are various models of the commissioning cycle. For example, the NHS model uses nine elements within three broader stages – strategic planning, procuring services, and monitoring and evaluation. The Institute for Public Care model is based upon four key performance management elements – analyse, plan, do […]
In this report, we assess whether NHS England managed the PCSE contract with Capita effectively to secure the intended benefits
This page is part of our decision support tool. Large scale contracts can bring benefits through reduced procurement and contract management costs, but they do not always offer the best value for money and may, in the long term, reduce the diversity of the supplier base. You should consider whether the contract should be divided […]
Head of the National Audit Office Sir John Bourn has qualified his opinion on the accounts of NHS Direct for the year up to 31 March 2005 because of a lack of evidence to support a significant number of payroll payments. A second reason for the qualification was a lack of evidence to support comparative […]
Our investigation focuses on the delivery, performance, oversight and progress implementing change on four health screening programmes.
This ‘think piece’ draws on our past work highlighting the barriers that prevent health and social care services working together effectively, examples of joint working and the move towards services centred on the needs of the individual, to inform the ongoing debate about the future of health and social care in England.
The National Audit Office has found that while the NHS has successfully reduced its expenditure on agency nursing staff, temporary staff remain a key component of trusts’ ability to be flexible and expenditure on temporary nursing staff employed through nursing banks and NHS Professionals has increased. Many NHS trusts do not have robust information to […]
This report investigates the NHS’s response to the cyber attack that affected it in May 2017 and the impact on health services.
This report provides information on managing PFI contracts when they end and considers whether government is preparing for expiry appropriately.
Additional funding, aimed to help the NHS get on a financially sustainable footing, has instead been spent on coping with existing pressures.
The NAO has investigated how NHS Shared Business Services handled its backlog of unprocessed clinical correspondence.
This investigation looks at the 2017-18 increase in NHS spending on certain generic medicines, possible causes of the price increases in the market for generic medicines, and how the Department of Health and Social Care responded to the price increases.