Search results for 'Local services and housing'
Showing 261 - 277 of 277 results
Performance of the Department for Communities and Local Government 2007-08
Published on:This briefing has been prepared for the Communities and Local Government Select Committee to provide an overview of the work and performance of the Department for Communities and Local Government (the Department) in the financial year 2007-08 and subsequent months. It takes as its basis the Department’s Annual Report 2008, drawing upon the work of the National Audit Office (NAO) together with relevant material from other external and internal reviews of departmental performance.
Planning for 100% local retention of business rates
Published on:DCLG has made good progress in its design of 100% local business rates retention but faces a challenging timescale for delivery.
Local Enterprise Partnerships
Published on:The role and remit of Local Enterprise Partnerships has grown since 2010, but the approach taken by DCLG to overseeing Growth Deals risks future value for money.
Personalised commissioning in adult social care
Published on:The Department of Health now needs to gain a better understanding of the different ways to commission personalised services for users, and how these lead to improvements in user outcomes.
Performance of the Department for Communities and Local Government 2006-07 – NAO briefing for the Communities and Local Government Committee
Published on:This briefing is prepared for the Communities and Local Government Committee of the House of Commons to provide an overview of the work and performance of the Department for Communities and Local Government in the financial year 2006-07 and subsequent months.
Health and social care integration
Published on:The Better Care Fund has not achieved the expected value for money, in terms of savings, outcomes for patients or hospital activity.
The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement programme
Published on:UK Government says it is on track to meet target to resettle 20,000 Syrian refugees by 2020. Local authorities’ ability to secure suitable school places and houses a risk to success. NAO estimate programme will cost £1.12bn by 2020.
English devolution deals
Published on:Devolution deals to devolve power from central government to local areas in England offer opportunities to stimulate economic growth and reform public services for local users, but the arrangements are untested and government could do more to provide confidence that these deals will achieve the benefits intended
Children in need of help or protection
Published on:The Department for Education recognised since 2010 that child protection services are not good enough but its subsequent response has not yet resulted in better outcomes. Spending on children’s social work, including on child protection, varies widely across England and is not related to quality. Neither the DfE nor authorities understand why spending varies.
Financial sustainability of local authorities: capital expenditure and resourcing
Published on:Local authorities have kept up levels of capital spending but face pressure to meet debt costs and maintain investment in existing assets.
Briefing to Environmental Audit Committee: Central government support for local authorities on climate change
Published on:This briefing paper is provided in response to a request from the Environmental Audit Committee that the National Audit Office provide information on local authorities and climate change.
Local welfare provision
Published on:Overall spending on discretionary local welfare support by central and local government has reduced since April 2013. The consequences of this gap in provision are not understood.
Upgrading emergency service communications: the Emergency Services Network
Published on:The Emergency Services Network is one of the most technologically advanced systems worldwide and is set to replace the existing emergency services communication system, Airwave. However several risks have been highlighted.
Accountability to Parliament for taxpayers’ money
Published on:The incentives on government Accounting Officers to prioritise value for money are weak compared to those associated with the day-to-day job of satisfying Ministers.
Homelessness in England Visualisation
Published on:Explore the broad trends identified by our report Homelessness and build a richer understanding of what they mean for different parts of the country.
Decommissioning toolkit
Risk assessmentThis page is part of our decommissioning toolkit. As part of the planning phase and in line with good practice in project management, commissioners should prepare a thorough risk assessment with risk management strategies to mitigate the impact of any risk occurring. The risks considered should be risks to the decommissioning process itself and include […]