Search results for 'Housing and local services'

Showing 81 - 100 of 271 results

  1. Open-book accounting and supply-chain assurance

    Report Value for money

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    The NAO has called for government to negotiate greater access to information about how much outsourced public services are actually costing suppliers and therefore how much profit they are making.

  2. Open-book accounting and supply-chain assurance: case studies

    Report Value for money

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    The NAO has called for government to negotiate greater access to information about how much outsourced public services are actually costing suppliers and therefore how much profit they are making.

  3. The work of the National Audit Office in the police and fire sectors

    Report Value for money

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    This interactive briefing pack summarises the National Audit Office’s work in the police and fire sectors since 2012. It highlights the key messages coming from a selection of our recent reports and should be of interest to Police and Crime Commissioners and their officers, senior police and fire officials and the general public.

  4. Principles Paper: Managing provider failure

    Insight Good practice guides

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    This paper explores the principles departments should use to manage provider failure. There is room for improvement in the way failure of providers is considered and managed.

  5. Care leavers’ transitions to adulthood

    Report Value for money

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    The government has made a commitment to improve support for young people leaving foster or residential care in England but the system is not working effectively.

  6. Funding for disadvantaged pupils

    Report Value for money

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    While the impact of the Pupil Premium will take time to become clear, it has the potential to bring about a significant improvement in outcomes. However, the Department for Education and schools have more to do.

  7. Local Enterprise Partnerships

    Report Value for money

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    The role and remit of Local Enterprise Partnerships has grown since 2010, but the approach taken by DCLG to overseeing Growth Deals risks future value for money.

  8. Care Quality Commission

    Report Value for money

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    The CQC, the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England, has made substantial progress but needs to recruit and train staff and build a new organisational culture.

  9. Children in need of help or protection

    Report Value for money

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    The Department for Education recognised since 2010 that child protection services are not good enough but its subsequent response has not yet resulted in better outcomes. Spending on children’s social work, including on child protection, varies widely across England and is not related to quality. Neither the DfE nor authorities understand why spending varies.

  10. Health and social care integration

    Report Value for money

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    The Better Care Fund has not achieved the expected value for money, in terms of savings, outcomes for patients or hospital activity.

  11. Local public service reform

    Report Value for money

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    This document summarises the findings of our work and identifies sources of help that may be useful to local areas and government departments supporting local public service reform.

  12. Personalised commissioning in adult social care

    Report Value for money

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    The Department of Health now needs to gain a better understanding of the different ways to commission personalised services for users, and how these lead to improvements in user outcomes.

  13. Care Act first-phase reforms – local experience of implementation

    Report Value for money

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    This report highlights the issues our case study areas told us were important to them in carrying out the Care Act. Local authorities may find their experience informative as they continue to develop their own approaches to carrying out the Care Act.

  14. The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement programme

    Report Value for money

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    UK Government says it is on track to meet target to resettle 20,000 Syrian refugees by 2020. Local authorities’ ability to secure suitable school places and houses a risk to success. NAO estimate programme will cost £1.12bn by 2020.

  15. Financial sustainability of fire and rescue services

    Report Value for money

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    Fire and rescue authorities have managed funding reductions well. The Department for Communities and Local Government should, however, seek greater assurance that authorities are maintaining service standards and delivering value for money locally