Search results for 'Evaluation and reporting'

Showing 1 - 20 of 42 results

  1. Evaluating government spending: an audit framework

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    We have prepared this guide to help accounting officers, other senior leaders and policymakers understand how the NAO assesses the robustness of the evaluation arrangements in departments.

  2. How to improve operational services

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    These good practice guides share practical tips on improving the quality and efficiency of day-to-day services provided by government.

  3. Evaluating government spending

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report examines government’s progress in developing the provision and use of evaluation evidence across government.

  4. Tax measures to encourage economic growth

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Although government provides billions in tax reliefs each year to encourage growth, it does not monitor or evaluate them closely enough.

  5. Planting Trees in England

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report evaluates whether Defra’s management of new tree-planting schemes is likely to achieve value for money.

  6. Managing flood risk

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report evaluates whether government’s approach to managing the risks of flooding and coastal erosion is achieving value for money.

  7. The management of tax expenditures

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report examines the effectiveness of HM Treasury’s and HMRC’s use of their resources in the management of tax expenditures.

  8. Tackling problem debt

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report aims to evaluate and conclude on HM Treasury’s overall approach to over-indebtedness.

  9. Investigation into the UNBOXED festival

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    An investigation into the UNBOXED festival by the National Audit Office found that audience engagement was lower than originally modelled, although the project was delivered on time and is forecast to be on budget.

  10. Financial management in government: insights and good practice

    Work in progress

    Autumn 2024

    The Financial and Risk Management insights team are producing a series of guides aimed at senior finance decision-makers across all of our audited bodies. Our guides will showcase strategic-level insights outlining areas where good financial management can unlock greater efficiency and resilience, as well as practical ways organisations can make improvements.

  11. Tax measures to encourage economic growth

    Press release

    Published on:

    Although government provides billions in tax reliefs each year to encourage growth, it does not monitor or evaluate them closely enough.