Search results for 'Energy and environment'

Showing 81 - 100 of 311 results

  1. Sustainability in the spending review

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This briefing responds to a request from the Environmental Audit Committee that we review how the 2015 spending review took account of environmental issues.

  2. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: progress with reducing risk at Sellafield

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report examines the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s role, its governance, and the complex challenges it faces in delivering its long-term mission; progress with reducing high hazard and risk at Sellafield, and limitations to faster progress; and the NDA and Sellafield Limited’s plans to ensure sustainable progress at Sellafield.

  3. Nuclear power in the UK

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report looks at some of the main electricity system challenges the UK faces in the next two decades, and the aims and responsibilities of the Department of Energy & Climate Change.

  4. Internal Drainage Boards

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) are local independent public bodies responsible for managing water levels in low-lying areas where there is a special drainage need and contributing to flood risk management. IDBs cover nearly 10% of England’s land area and spent more than £61m last year. The report focuses on governance and oversight arrangements; processes for raising concerns; and, the potential for conflicts of interest.

  5. Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Department of Energy and Climate Change’s Green Deal design not only failed to deliver any meaningful benefit, it increased suppliers’ costs – and therefore energy bills – in meeting their obligations through the ECO scheme.

  6. Confirmed impacts: Helping Defra to better manage its facilities contract


    Published on:

    This impacts case study shows how our investigation of a contract in which Defra appeared to have been overcharged gave greater impetus and legitimacy to Defra’s approach to negotiating a settlement.

    It is one example of financial or non-financial benefits realised in 2014 as a result of our involvement, all of which are set out in our interactive PDF.

  7. Confirmed impacts: Highlighting an accountability gap in the reporting of the Levy Control Framework


    Published on:

    This impacts case study shows how our work influenced the Department for Energy and Climate Change and HM Treasury to improve their accountability, governance and data quality, resulting in regular reporting on consumer-funded policies.

    It is one example of financial or non-financial benefits realised in 2014 as a result of our involvement, all of which are set out in our interactive PDF.

  8. Confirmed impacts: Securing better progress on nuclear decommissioning


    Published on:

    This impacts case study shows how reports by NAO and PAC resulted in the Nucelar Decommissioning Authority terminating its existing management contract and announcing a new approach, expected to improve management and reduce costs.

    It is one example of financial or non-financial benefits realised in 2014 as a result of our involvement, all of which are set out in our interactive PDF.

  9. Environmental and sustainability metrics briefing

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    This briefing gives a high-level overview of the range of metrics that government uses to assess and report on sustainable development and environmental protection, and how these compare with good practice principles for a performance management framework.