Investigation into government’s actions to combat waste crime in England
Published on:This investigation assesses government’s oversight of the waste industry and what action is taken to address illegal activity.
This investigation assesses government’s oversight of the waste industry and what action is taken to address illegal activity.
We look at the government’s long-term ambition “to create a nation more resilient to future flood and coastal erosion risk” and, in the more immediate term, whether Defra and EA are delivering value for money after two years of the capital programme.
Government is underprepared for extreme weather events which can cause significant disruption to people, businesses, and their communities.
Gareth Davies, the C&AG of the NAO, has reported on the 2020-21 accounts of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
There has been a substantial reduction in the potential cost to the taxpayer of supporting the transfer of Bulb Energy to a ringfenced supplier under Octopus, but risks remain.
The information in this guide draws on the findings from our financial audit programme of work and from publicly available sources, including the annual report and accounts of the Department and its bodies
This report looks at how DESNZ is set up for power sector decarbonisation while maintaining security of electricity supply, and affordability.
BEIS worked quickly to introduce financial support for rising energy bills (currently estimated at £69bn), recognising it had to make compromises.
This report examines the government’s approach to investment in research and innovation to deliver net zero.
This report gives an overview of the approach taken by the Department for Education (DfE) to environmental sustainability.
2021 was a big year for government’s commitments to the environment. The statutory target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 was backed up with a strategy and the Environment Bill gives legal force to nature recovery targets. The challenge now lies in turning targets and strategies into actions that will combat rising […]
This report examines how regulation is contributing towards the delivery of government’s environmental objectives.
This report examines government’s progress in tackling local breaches of NO2 limits and its performance on air quality more broadly.
This report evaluates whether Defra’s management of new tree-planting schemes is likely to achieve value for money.
This report examines the recent exit of energy suppliers from the market and government’s role in managing the exits.
This report examines if government is achieving its ambition for the public sector to be a leader in decarbonising its activities.
The Comptroller and Auditor General has reported on the DVLA Trust Statement.
The C&AG has reported on the 2019-20 accounts of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
A summary of Defra’s spending in 2019-20, its major areas of activity and performance, and the challenges it is likely to face in the coming year, based on the insights from our financial audit and value for money work.
A summary of the Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy, spending in 2019-20, its major areas of activity and performance, and the challenges it is likely to face in the coming year, based on the insights from our financial audit and value for money work.