Fracking for shale gas in England
Published on:This report sets out the facts about the government’s support of shale gas development in England.
This report sets out the facts about the government’s support of shale gas development in England.
This report examines how effectively Ofgem has used electricity network price controls to protect consumers and achieve government’s environmental goals.
This Memorandum was prepared for the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change select committee to support its inquiry into the implications of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico for UK deep water drilling.
This briefing was prepared for the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Select Committee to support its evidence session on the work of the Ofgem.
Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today on programmes run by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to help English farm businesses adapt to changing markets and reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Farmers in the United Kingdom currently receive nearly £3 billion a year in subsidies […]
This briefing has been prepared in response to a request from the Environmental Audit Committee for an update on the Government’s sustainable procurement commitments and its progress against those commitments.
Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office, today welcomed Ofgem’s efforts to help vulnerable consumers, such as the elderly or those on benefits. He encouraged Ofgem and the energy suppliers to build on the Social Action Plan to allow more vulnerable consumers to take advantage of the competitive energy market. He also reported […]
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affair’s systems for identifying and tracking the 25 million cattle, sheep and pigs in England have achieved their initial objectives, according to the National Audit Office. More could be done, however, to realise other potential benefits from the systems and reduce costs. Defra’s plans for updating its identification and […]
The majority of government departments and agencies are failing to meet targets to make their new buildings and major refurbishments sustainable, according to a report published today by the National Audit Office. As a result, value for money may be lost from the £3billion which departments and agencies spend each year on this activity. A […]
Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that Energywatch and Postwatch have achieved benefits for consumers but they need to do more to show the extent of these benefits. Over their first three years, Energywatch and Postwatch have successfully established their organisations, developed efficient systems to handle customer complaints and […]
The Environment Agency has made much progress since its creation in 1996 in providing more consistent and professional regulation of the waste industry in England and Wales and in improving standards in the industry, according to a report today from the National Audit Office. The Agency could, however, provide more effective and efficient regulation by […]
Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that good progress has been made in recent years in increasing the overall employment rate for older people. The gap between the proportion of older people in work compared to the general working population has also narrowed by 1 per cent over […]
This report identifies lessons from the management and performance of the packaging recycling obligation system.
Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that contingent risks he and the Public Accounts Committee had identified following British Energy’s privatisation had materialised. The Department for Trade and Industry had clearly recognised the risks to the taxpayer arising from the nuclear liabilities of British Energy. However, while the Company appeared […]
Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, although meeting European requirements, can enhance the effectiveness of its enforcement of fisheries regulations. This would support efforts to improve sustainability and compliance with the Common Fisheries Policy. Some fish stocks are under […]
England and Wales have a good record in containing and eradicating major outbreaks of plant pests and diseases, according to a report today by the National Audit Office. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has a key role to play in maintaining this good record but there are several ways in which it […]
This report examines the effectiveness of regulations to ensure that food is safe and is what it says it is.
Our study evaluates how far the government has an effective system for measuring progress towards its environmental objectives.
Water and sewerage companies have taken action to remove the risk of sewer flooding from 3,300 properties in England and Wales since 2000. Ofwat has played an important role in achieving this reduction, according to a report published today by Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office. However, Ofwat and companies face a […]
The development of the national Air Quality Strategy provides a good example of modern policy-making practices, and further improvements can be made, according to a National Audit Office report. The NAO used the development of the second Air Quality Strategy (published in January 2000) to examine the policy development processes of the former Department of […]