Search results for 'Defence'

Showing 121 - 140 of 388 results

  1. Carrier Strike

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Changes to the aircraft carrier project in the 2010 defence review will save £3.4 billion but leave the UK without carrier capability for nine years.

  2. Memorandum: Service Family Accommodation update


    Published on:

    This memorandum has been prepared to support the Committee of Public Accounts’ consideration of the Ministry of Defence’s provision of accommodation to its service personnel.

  3. Managing change in the Defence workforce

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Ministry of Defence, under pressure to make rapid financial savings, is significantly reducing the size of its workforce, by over 54,000 personnel. A report today by the National Audit Office has found that these reductions are happening in advance of the Department’s fully understanding how it will operate with significantly fewer staff.

  4. The cost-effective delivery of an armoured vehicle capability

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The suspension and cancellation of a number of key armoured vehicle projects since the 1998 defence review has resulted in the Armed Forces facing a significant shortage in the principal armoured vehicles they require, until at least 2024-2025.

  5. Equipment Plan 2013 – 2023

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    MOD’s procurement budget is now more stable, despite a £754m increase in the cost of the carriers, but there are still risks to the affordability of the equipment plan.

  6. Management of the Typhoon Project

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The cost of each Typhoon aircraft has risen by 75 per cent. While Typhoon performs some defence tasks now, it won’t take on all roles until 2018.

  7. Strategic Financial Management of the Defence Budget

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Ministry of Defence does not place sufficient emphasis on financial management in its decision making. Annual financial plans at the MOD have been over-committed. During 2009-10 the Department had to find additional savings of £800 million to bring its planned expenditure back into line with its budgets.