Search results for 'Benefits'

Showing 461 - 480 of 901 results

  1. Confiscation Orders

    Report Value for money

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    The use of confiscation orders to deny criminals the proceeds of their crimes is not proving to be value for money.

  2. HM Revenue and Customs: Progress on reducing costs

    Report Value for money

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    In 2011-12 HMRC maintained its performance while reducing staff and spending but it is too early to tell what the long-term impact of cost reduction will be.

  3. Gift Aid and reliefs on donations

    Report Value for money

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    HMRC and the Treasury do not know if incentives designed to increase charitable giving, at a cost to the taxpayer of £940 million in 2012-13, have resulted in more income for charities.

  4. Student loan repayments

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    BIS will not be well-placed to secure value for money on student loan repayments until it has a more robust strategy to improve collection performance.

  5. The BBC’s move to Salford

    Report Value for money

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    The relocation took place on time and without disruption to broadcasts and should be within budget. But it is too early to judge value for money for licence fee payers.

  6. The Privatisation of Royal Mail

    Report Value for money

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    The Department was successful in floating Royal Mail. But its approach was marked by deep caution, the price of which was borne by the taxpayer.

  7. Adult social care in England: overview

    Report Value for money

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    The provision of adequate adult social care poses a significant public service challenge. Demand for care is rising while public spending is falling.

  8. Implementing transparency

    Report Value for money

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    Better access to public information can improve accountability and service delivery. Government needs a firm grasp of whether that potential is being realised.

  9. Civil Service People Survey Explorer

    Overview Interactive visualisation

    Published on:

    Find out how government departments score on diversity. Our interactive graphics summarise the findings from Cabinet Office’s People Survey.

  10. The first sale of shares in Lloyds Banking Group

    Report Value for money

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    The Government’s first sale of shares in Lloyds Banking Group was managed very effectively by United Kingdom Financial Investments Limited.

  11. Public Service Pensions

    Press release

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    This report outlines how the public service pensions landscape has changed since the Hutton Review and highlights future challenges.

  12. Establishing Free Schools

    Report Value for money

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    Many new Free Schools have been established quickly and at relatively low cost but the DfE will need to tackle a rising cost trend and systematically learn lessons from problems in a few early wave schools.

  13. Progress in delivering the Thameslink programme

    Report Value for money

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    Thameslink aims to reduce overcrowding and journey times. Initial progress has been good but a 3 year delay in awarding the train contract puts the 2018 programme deadline at risk.

  14. Memorandum: The Future of Jobcentre Plus Inquiry


    Published on:

    Our 2016 memorandum was prepared to inform the Work and Pensions Committee’s inquiry into the future of Jobcentre Plus (JCP), including the likely effects of planned welfare policy changes on JCP footfall and journey time to jobcentres. In October 2017 we published an associated interactive data model allowing exploration of the time it will take for people to travel to their nearest jobcentre.