Department for Work and Pensions annual report and accounts 2019-20
Published on:Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General on the Department for Work and Pensions’ annual report and accounts 2019-20
Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General on the Department for Work and Pensions’ annual report and accounts 2019-20
This study assesses how effectively the Department for Education is supporting education recovery in schools following the COVID-19 pandemic.
There are currently far too many older people in hospitals who do not need to be there. Without radical action, this problem will worsen and add further financial strain to the NHS and local government.
A National Audit Office (NAO) report assessing the Home Office’s progress delivering its asylum and protection transformation programme.
The DWP has not to date achieved value for money in the development of Universal Credit and to do so in future it will need to learn the lessons of past failures.
The NAO have investigated concerns that online sellers outside the EU are avoiding charging VAT.
The DfT and Transport for London have done well to protect taxpayers’ interests in Crossrail but risks remain including delivery of the trains.
An investigation into Verify, the government’s identity verification platform. It examines its performance, costs and benefits.
The disposal of former Northern Rock mortgages and loans in 2015 was the government’s largest ever financial asset sale. When judged against the Government’s objective to shrink the balance sheet swiftly the deal was value for money.
The Department for International Development met, for the calendar year 2013, the government target to spend 0.7% of the UK’s annual gross national income on overseas aid.
There are some good examples across government of alternatives to regulation being used to achieve policy objectives. However more needs to done to share these examples to highlight when alternatives are most likely to work and how they should be designed.
Significant annual savings worth tens of billions of pounds are available through improving public sector productivity, the head of the NAO will say.
This report examines progress in establishing Integrated Care Systems in England.
The Help to Buy equity loan scheme is improving access to mortgage finance, but the scheme’s costs will be substantial.
MOD’s procurement budget is now more stable, despite a £754m increase in the cost of the carriers, but there are still risks to the affordability of the equipment plan.
This report looks at the Restart scheme, DWP’s employment support response for people who are long-term unemployed.
This report establishes the facts on how the government has provided accommodation for rough sleepers during COVID-19.
The management of rail franchising has improved since 2012 however significant risks remain to achieving value for money as the programme develops.
We focus on specific concerns about the financial support provided to students attending some alternative HE colleges and other providers.
The DWP has had to delay the Personal Independence Payment programme’s roll-out and reduce expected savings during this Spending Review period.