Showing 1461 - 1480 of 2215 results

  1. Improving service delivery – how auditors can help

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    The guide has been developed by the National Audit Office in collaboration with HM Treasury. Its purpose is to share the lessons learned from NAO’s work and to highlight examples of good practice.

  2. Difficult Forms: How government agencies interact with citizens

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    Government forms filled in by citizens can be made shorter and much easier to use leading to better access to services and considerable efficiency gains, Sir John Bourn, the head of the NAO, reported to Parliament today. Forms remain essential to the delivery of a wide range of government services. If forms are well designed […]

  3. Protecting England and Wales from plant pests and diseases

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    England and Wales have a good record in containing and eradicating major outbreaks of plant pests and diseases, according to a report today by the National Audit Office. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has a key role to play in maintaining this good record but there are several ways in which it […]

  4. Progress in improving the medical assessment of incapacity and disability benefits

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    The head of the National Audit Office, Sir John Bourn, today reported to Parliament that the Department for Work and Pensions and their contractor Schlumberger have improved arrangements for the medical assessment of benefit claims since the National Audit Office reported on this subject in 2001. They have improved the speed of processing, the standard […]

  5. Achieving Improvements through Clinical Governance: A Progress Report on Implementation by NHS Trusts

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    A major initiative to secure better quality care by the NHS and improve patients’ confidence in its services has made early progress and is already delivering benefits. However, according to a report by the National Audit Office, progress in implementing ‘clinical governance’ is patchy, varying between and within NHS trusts and between the components of […]

  6. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) 2002-03 Trust Statement

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, today reported to Parliament that the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency had collected £4.6 billion of vehicle excise duty in 2002-03, although some £200 million of revenue was lost through evasion. National evasion levels have risen to 4.5 per cent of the total revenue that should […]

  7. Ministry of Defence: Compensation claims

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    Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that the costs of compensation claims paid by the Ministry of Defence are on the increase and that more can be done to keep down the cost of handling claims and to improve the service to claimants.  Compensation and legal costs have risen […]

  8. Hip Replacements: an Update

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    NHS patients receiving hip replacements have received an improved service over the last three years, according to a report today from the National Audit Office. But it will take time for developments to take full effect and more remains to be done to ensure improved quality of care to patients. This includes making sure that […]

  9. Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ): New Accommodation Programme

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that GCHQs new headquarter building, which will cost GCHQ about 46 million a year, and which was procured through a PFI deal, was on track to be delivered on time and within its finally determined budget; and it was handled well overall. […]

  10. PFI: The New Headquarters for the Home Office

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that the Home Office will get what it wants at a good price from the PFI deal to provide serviced headquarters accommodation for 3450 Home Office and Prison Service staff, but risks remain. The Home Office is due to move into the new […]

  11. The Office of Telecommunications: Helping consumers benefit from competition in the telecommunications market

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    Oftel has taken steps to improve consumer awareness in the fixed line telecommunications market to help consumers take advantage of the choices available, according to a report presented to Parliament today by Sir John Bourn, the head of the National Audit Office. But the report recognises that while some consumers will choose not to switch […]

  12. Warm Front: Helping to Combat Fuel Poverty

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    The Warm Front scheme for improving the energy efficiency of households suffering from fuel poverty has been more successful than the former Home Energy Efficiency Scheme which it replaced in June 2000. However, according to today’s report to Parliament by head of the NAO Sir John Bourn, the scheme is not reaching those in greatest […]

  13. The Operational Performance of PFI Prisons

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that the seven operational PFI prisons are bringing benefits to the Prison Service. One of the key benefits is that the existence of PFI prisons has encouraged the public sector to improve its performance. For instance, Prison Service management teams have recently […]

  14. The Department for Trade and Industry: Regional Grants in England

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    Head of the National Audit Office Sir John Bourn reported to Parliament today that the Department of Trade and Industry’s use of regional grants had a measurable effect in reducing unemployment in defined ‘Assisted Areas’. The net effects of the schemes, however, depended on such factors as the extent to which jobs would have been […]

  15. Financial Management in the European Union: The European Court of Auditors report for the year 2001

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    Head of the National Audit Office Sir John Bourn has reported to Parliament on the financial management of European Union funds. Today’s report highlights the main findings of the latest Annual Report by the European Court of Auditors (November 2002) which covers the management of the General Budget of the European Union for 2001. The […]

  16. The English National Stadium Project at Wembley

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    The Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s decision to provide additional public funding for the English national stadium project at Wembley is an example of well managed risk taking, Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office said today. The Department, working closely with Sport England, has thoroughly reviewed the project and taken appropriate […]

  17. Northern Ireland Court Service – PFI: The Laganside Courts

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that the new Laganside Courts complex in Belfast, opened in February 2002, is delivering significant benefits. The combination of Crown, County and Magistrates’ Courts has improved upon the previously dissipated nature of court provision in Belfast. Initial reactions from court users have […]

  18. Ministry of Defence: Through Life Management

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that Through-Life Management of the delivery of military capability is complex. It involves major change for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and those doing business with it. The MoD has more to do to embed the Through-Life Management approach and realise the […]

  19. The New Electricity Trading Arrangements in England and Wales

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    The New Electricity Trading Arrangements (NETA), a complex project to reform the way that electricity is traded in England and Wales, has been associated with a fall in the wholesale price of electricity, but the impact on the bills paid by many domestic consumers has been more limited, according to a report published to Parliament […]