Showing 1121 - 1140 of 2215 results

  1. The Procurement of the National Roads Telecommunications Services

    Report Value for money

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    The Highways Agency successfully transferred to the private sector the risks associated with procuring a digital information system for England’s motorway network. The procurement lasted five years, however, over twice as long as the Agency originally expected, and two well qualified potential bidders dropped out during a 17 month short listing process, leaving just two […]

  2. Tackling the hidden economy

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    HM Revenue & Customs achieved a return of around £4.50 for every £1 spent on tackling the hidden economy in 2006-07 and recent campaigns to encourage people into the formal economy have achieved much higher returns. But, according to the National Audit Office, the penalties the Department imposes when it detects people in the hidden […]

  3. Costing Perfomance: Departmental Strategic Objectives

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    We commissioned some work with two volunteer Departments in Spring 2008 to assess the measurability, relevance and costability of Departmental Strategic Objectives – with a view to informing wider guidance on integrating financial and performance management and reporting.

  4. Protecting consumers? Removing retail price controls

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    By being able to switch suppliers, customers have put competitive pressures on telecom, electricity, gas, and postal providers following the removal of pricing controls. Around half of energy and fixed line telecoms customers have switched supplier and 90 per cent of people doing so found it easy. There have been problems, however, particularly for more […]

  5. Preparing for Sporting Success at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Beyond

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    UK Sport has developed a strategy to achieve the Government’s ambitions for the GB teams to finish fourth in the Olympic medal table and to maintain second in the Paralympics table at the London 2012 Games. The achievements of athletes at recent elite international events suggest performance levels are improving. The NAO’s report identifies a […]

  6. Reducing passenger rail delays by better management of incidents

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    In 2006-07, almost 800,000 incidents caused 14 million minutes of delay to rail journeys costing a minimum of £1 billion in terms of time lost to passengers, according to a report released today by the National Audit Office. There was a sharp increase in delay minutes after the Hatfield derailment in October 2000 and the […]

  7. Meeting needs? The Offenders’ Learning and Skills Service

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    Many of the long standing problems in providing offenders with effective and useful learning and skills training have yet to be overcome following the establishment of the Offenders’ Learning and Skills Service (OLASS). Offenders who find employment upon their release are less likely to reoffend, which is why improving their training and skills could contribute […]

  8. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Management of Expenditure

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    Holding managers to account for the resources they have been allocated is key to improving financial management at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, according to a report out today by the National Audit Office. This need has been recognised by the Department and reflected in a programme to improve its financial management, […]

  9. Protecting the public: the work of the Parole Board

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    Assessing the risk posed by offenders is difficult. Parole Board members rely on the Ministry of Justice, HM Prison Service and the probation service to provide the necessary information for them to make an informed decision. Determinate sentenced prisoners, though, are having their hearings on time and the Board is reducing the backlog of cases […]

  10. NHS Pay Modernisation: New contracts for general practice services in England

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    The new contract for general practice has contributed to improved recruitment and retention of GPs, with numbers increasing from 26,833 to 30,931 since 2003. However, according to a report out today by the National Audit Office, the contract has cost the Department £1.76 billion more than it originally budgeted for. Today’s report found that, in […]

  11. Preparations for Digital Switchover

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    The National Audit Office has found that a good start has been made in preparing for the replacement by 2012 of the analogue television service with a digital one. Eighty-five per cent of households have already switched from analogue to digital TV for their main set. However, consumers will have to convert or replace another […]

  12. The roll-out of the Jobcentre Plus office network

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    The Jobcentre Plus programme rolled out a network of over 800 offices, combining the functions of the former jobcentres and social security offices, and was completed for £314 million less than the original £2.2 billion budget according to a National Audit Office report released today. The project was well managed, particularly the procurement aspect, where […]

  13. The Home Office: Reducing the risk of violent crime

    Report Value for money

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    Overall levels of violent crime have fallen by 9.0 per cent since 2002-03 and the number of serious violent offences recorded by the police has fallen by 5.9 per cent over the same period. The Home Office’s actions to encourage local areas to address domestic violence and alcohol related crime are likely to have made […]