Showing 1061 - 1080 of 2215 results

  1. Recruiting civil servants efficiently

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has today reported that the processes used by central government to recruit civil servants do not fully deliver value for money. Departments are working to understand and improve parts of the external recruitment process but more can be done. In 2007-08, central government recruited more than 40,000 new staff, with 78 […]

  2. The Building Schools for the Future Programme: Renewing the secondary school estate

    Report Value for money

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    The Building Schools for the Future programme aims to rebuild, refurbish and provide new Information Technology for all 3,500 secondary schools in England by 2020. The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) underestimated how long it would take to launch the programme and build the schools, though the speed of delivery has compared well […]

  3. Building the capacity of the Third Sector

    Report Value for money

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    A National Audit Office report has concluded that two programmes aimed at building capacity in the third sector have had a positive impact on frontline third sector organisations but have not yet demonstrated value for money. Both have suffered from administrative weaknesses and a lack of initial targets against which the effectiveness of the programmes […]

  4. The efficiency of radio production at the BBC: review by the Comptroller & Auditor General presented to the BBC Trust’s Finance and Strategy Committee

    Report Value for money

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    The NAO review looked at what the BBC is doing to maximise the efficiency of radio production across its Network and Nations radio stations, focusing on the use of cost comparisons for similar programme types within the BBC stations and with commercial competitors, the BBC’s efficiency plans and the BBC’s assessment of the impact of efficiency initiatives on performance.

  5. Assessment of the Capability Review programme

    Report Value for money

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    The Cabinet Office’s Capability Review programme aims to assess and improve government departments’ ability to deliver their objectives. The National Audit Office today reports that the programme has led to evidence of greater capability in departments.  But departments have yet to show that the programme has had an impact on outcomes in delivering public services. […]

  6. The Warm Front Scheme

    Report Value for money

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    The Department of Energy and Climate Change’s Warm Front Scheme to tackle fuel poverty in England helped to improve the energy efficiency of over 635,000 households between June 2005 and March 2008. According to a report by the National Audit Office there were, however, 1.9 million vulnerable households in 2006, so this rate of progress […]

  7. Delivering High Quality Impact Assessments

    Report Value for money

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    Government is committed to conducting formal impact assessments of the need for and likely impact of new regulations. A National Audit Office report has found that scrutiny of proposed legislation is strengthening and that the standard is better than it was, but one fifth of assessments still did not include any quantified data to assess […]

  8. NHS Pay Modernisation in England: Agenda for Change

    Report Value for money

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     According to a National Audit Office report, the NHS has successfully transferred 1.1 million NHS employees on to a new simplified pay system. Given the scale of the NHS this was a substantial task which the NHS, in partnership with the trade unions, achieved in a short timescale. There are some examples of NHS trusts […]

  9. Management of Asylum Applications by the UK Border Agency

    Report Value for money

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    The New Asylum Model, introduced by the Home Office in 2006 to achieve faster conclusions to asylum applications, has strengthened aspects of the asylum process, according to a report today by the National Audit Office. The case ownership approach, in which a single individual manages an application from start to finish, has created a strong […]

  10. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Managing the waste PFI programme

    Report Value for money

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    The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has recently made considerable progress in increasing the number and size of local authority projects to procure new waste treatment facilities under the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). But, according to a National Audit Office report today, the Department was initially too slow to respond to the 1999 […]

  11. Central government’s management of service contracts

    Report Value for money

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    Central government could make large savings by better managing its contracts for services such as IT, security, catering and cleaning, according to a report today by the National Audit Office. Better contract management could potentially generate estimated savings of between £160 million and £290 million a year, across total annual expenditure on service contracts of […]

  12. Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2008

    Report Value for money

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    Over the past ten years, the Ministry of Defence has introduced a number of reforms to the way it procures defence equipment, but its performance on Major Projects remains variable. As part of its annual report to Parliament, the National Audit Office examined twenty of the largest defence equipment projects. The report found that, during […]

  13. Planning for homes: Speeding up planning applications for major housing developments in England

    Report Value for money

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    The Department for Communities and Local Government has given local authorities approximately £68 million a year to improve the handling of planning applications and in particular to speed them up. While authorities are taking more decisions on major housing schemes within 13 weeks, the true extent of the improvement across the development process is not […]

  14. Maintaining the Occupied Royal Palaces

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office reported today that the Royal Household has improved value for money by tightening up the way it plans and manages its maintenance of the Occupied Royal Palaces. Without an agreed way of measuring the condition of the estate, however, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport cannot show how far the […]

  15. End of life care

    Report Value for money

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    Each year around half a million people die in England, three quarters of whom do so following a period of chronic illness, such as cancer or heart disease. A report out today by the National Audit Office found that some people approaching the end of their life receive a high quality service, but that there […]