Showing 961 - 980 of 2215 results

  1. A review of collaborative procurement across the public sector

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office and the Audit Commission have today called for public bodies to work together much more effectively than they currently do to maximise savings from procurement activities.

  2. Administration of Arable Area Payments in the Netherlands, Sweden and England

    Report Value for money

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    This is a collaborative report between the National Audit Office in England, the Algemene Rekenkamer (Netherlands Court of Audit) and the Riksrevisionsverket (Swedish National Audit Office). This exercise compares the results from their three separate reports on the administration of the arable payments scheme where, under the Common Agricultural Policy, the underlying regulations are the same in all European Union countries.

  3. Defra’s organic agri-environment scheme

    Report Value for money

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    The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Natural England have not optimised value for money for the almost £200 million scheme to encourage farmers into organic farming and deliver environmental benefits, according to a National Audit Office report published today. The Organic Entry Level Stewardship scheme is overseen by the Department and run […]

  4. Regenerating the English Regions: Regional Development Agencies’ support to physical regeneration projects

    Report Value for money

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    The Regional Development Agencies’ physical regeneration programmes have helped to generate additional regional wealth. However, because of Agency weaknesses in identifying the projects which would maximise regional economic growth, the National Audit Office is unable to conclude the Agencies have secured as much benefit as they should have. Since 1999, the eight RDAs outside of […]

  5. Ministry of Defence: Delivering multi-role tanker aircraft capability

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has been unable to conclude that the Ministry of Defence has achieved value for money from the procurement phase of its £10.5 billion private finance deal for the Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA), according to a report released today. Despite managing the later stages of the procurement well, the MOD’s ability […]

  6. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills: Support to business during a recession

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    In late 2008, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills stepped in to offer targeted support to struggling, but viable, businesses in the face of a severe economic downturn. It reacted quickly and prioritized a fast response over perfecting its policies. Under the circumstances, this approach was appropriate, according to a report published today by […]

  7. Home Office: Management of Major Projects

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    The Home Office has improved its approach to managing the portfolio of major projects for which it is responsible, according to a report today by the National Audit Office. The Home Office is currently managing over 30 major projects, more than any other central civil government department, with a combined estimated lifetime cost of £15 […]

  8. Review of the UK’s Competition Landscape

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    A National Audit Office review of the regime for overseeing markets and enforcing competition law in the UK has found that it is generally effective and well regarded by comparison with international equivalents. However, the NAO has found that the competition system as a whole must still address a number of challenges to function as […]

  9. The Customer First Programme: Delivery of student finance

    Report Value for money

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    The service provided to students applying for finance in 2009 did not achieve value for money, according to a report today by the National Audit Office. There were major problems in the processing of applications – with fewer than half new applications being fully processed by the start of term – and in communications with […]

  10. Reorganising central government

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    Between May 2005 and June 2009, there were over 90 reorganisations to central government. But a report released today by the National Audit Office has found that these cannot demonstrate value for money, given that most had vague objectives and that costs and benefits were not tracked. The average annual cost of reorganisations is almost […]

  11. The cost of public service pensions

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    There has been much public discussion about the affordability of public service pensions. To inform that debate, the National Audit Office has today published a report designed to bring greater transparency to, and understanding of, the cash costs involved. Today’s report found: Total payments to more than 2 million pensioners in the UK’s four largest […]

  12. Managing offenders on short custodial sentences

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    More could be done to rehabilitate prisoners serving short sentences and reduce their risk of re-offending, according to a National Audit Office report today. The National Offender Management Service (NOMS), responsible for managing such prisoners, has little information on the quality, cost or effectiveness of its rehabilitation activities.   More than 60,000 prisoners serve sentences […]

  13. Tackling problem drug use

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    A report by the NAO into government action to tackle problem drug use has concluded that there has been good progress in a number of areas, including an increasing number of problem drug users in effective treatment and an increasing number leaving treatment free from dependency. Without an evaluative framework for the Strategy as a […]

  14. Preparations for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: Progress report February 2010

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    Venues and infrastructure for the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games are on track to be delivered on time for the Games and the cost is currently forecast to be within the £9,325 million budget for the Games announced in March 2007, according to a progress report to Parliament by the National Audit Office. However, […]

  15. The BBC’s management of three major estate projects

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    The BBC Trust has today published an independent report prepared by the National Audit Office (NAO) on the BBC’s management of three major estates projects. These were the refurbishment and redevelopment of Broadcasting House in London, the construction of Pacific Quay in Glasgow and the Corporation’s forthcoming move to Salford Quays.

  16. Performance of the Ministry of Defence 2008-2009

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    This briefing has been prepared for the Defence Committee of the House of Commons to provide an overview of the work and performance of the Ministry of Defence in the financial year 2008-09 and subsequent months.

  17. Adapting the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s global estate to the modern world

    Report Value for money

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    The Foreign and Commonwealth Office lacks a clear strategy and comprehensive data to manage its overseas estate effectively, according to a report published today by the National Audit Office.  The FCO is taking positive steps to adapt its properties to new global challenges but has not achieved value for money in the management of its […]