Showing 581 - 600 of 2215 results

  1. Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Procurement Investigation

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    We report on our investigation arising from the findings of Internal Audit for the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman regarding the management of conflicts of interest in procuring services during a fundamental change programme.

  2. Public Health England’s grant to local authorities

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Public Health England has made a good start in supporting local authorities with their new responsibilities for public health but it is too soon to tell whether its approach is achieving value for money.

  3. HM Courts and Tribunals Trust Statement 2013-14

    Report Value for money

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    Amyas Morse, Comptroller and Auditor General, has for the first time provided a clear audit opinion on the financial statements of HM Courts and Tribunals Service. He has today reported to Parliament that HM Courts and Tribunals Service has significantly improved its ability to report on fines, penalties and confiscation orders.

  4. Identity Assurance Programme

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The NAO has published a briefing paper on the Government’s identity assurance programme, which is aiming to create a safe and convenient way for people to access government services online.

  5. Children in care

    Report Value for money

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    The Department for Education is not meeting its objectives to improve the quality of care and the stability of placements for children in care.

  6. Universal Credit: progress update

    Report Value for money

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    The DWP has reset Universal Credit on a sounder basis but at significant cost, by extending the time for implementation and choosing a more expensive approach.

  7. The effective management of tax reliefs

    Report Value for money

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    HM Treasury and HMRC do not keep track of tax reliefs intended to change behaviour, or adequately report to Parliament on whether tax reliefs work as expected.

  8. Implementing reforms to civil legal aid

    Report Value for money

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    The MoJ is on track to make significant and quick reductions in its spending on civil legal aid. But it is less clear to what extent it has met its objective of targeting legal aid at those who need it most.

  9. Financial sustainability of local authorities 2014

    Report Value for money

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    Local authorities have worked hard to manage reductions in government funding, but the DCLG needs to be better informed about the situation across England.

  10. Planning for the Better Care Fund

    Report Value for money

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    The Better Care Fund is an innovative idea but the quality of early preparation and planning did not match the scale of the ambition. Current plans forecast £314m of savings for the NHS rather than the £1 billion in early planning assumptions.

  11. The financial sustainability of NHS bodies

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Financial risk is increasing in NHS trusts and foundation trusts. Those in severe financial difficulty continue to rely on cash support from the Department of Health.

  12. Strategic flood risk management

    Report Value for money

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    The Environment Agency has improved the cost effectiveness and prioritization of its flood risk spending but current spending is insufficient to meet many flood defence maintenance needs.

  13. Managing and removing foreign national offenders

    Report Value for money

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    The Home Office has made slower progress than expected in managing foreign national offenders, despite increased resources and tougher powers.