Showing 101 - 120 of 269 results

  1. Client Funds Account – Statutory Child Maintenance Schemes 2014-15

    Report Financial audit

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    The C&AG has qualified the DWP’s Client Funds Account on the grounds of material errors in the calculations of child maintenance assessments. He has also given an adverse opinion on the truth and fairness of the outstanding maintenance arrears.

  2. HM Treasury’s 2014-15 Annual Report and Accounts

    Report Financial audit

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    This is the fifth report on HM Treasury’s Annual Report and Accounts. It details the Comptroller and Auditor General’s assessment of audit risk arising from the Treasury’s major financial stability and wider economic support schemes. The number of bodies within the scope of HM Treasury’s financial statements continues to grow and the balance of risks is shifting from the Treasury’s financial stability schemes towards its broader role of supporting the economy.

  3. Department for Work and Pensions 2014-15 accounts

    Report Financial audit

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    The Comptroller and Auditor General, Amyas Morse, has qualified his audit opinion on the regularity of the 2014-15 accounts of the DWP, owing to the unacceptably high level of fraud and error in benefit expenditure.

  4. Ministry of Defence 2014-15 accounts

    Report Financial audit

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    Amyas Morse, the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), has qualified his audit opinion on the MOD’s accounts for the sixth year running.

  5. 2013-14 Accounts of the Office for Legal Complaints

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    The C&AG has qualified his opinion on the 2013-14 Accounts of the Office for Legal Complaints. This is in part owing to expenses paid to its Chief Executive, the former Accounting Officer of the body, which were not retrospectively approved by the Ministry of Justice.

  6. Client Funds Account – Statutory Child Maintenance Schemes 2013-14

    Report Financial audit

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    The C&AG has qualified the DWP’s Client Funds Account on the grounds of material errors in the calculations of child maintenance assessments. He has also given an adverse opinion on the truth and fairness of the outstanding maintenance arrears.

  7. Ministry of Defence 2013-14 accounts

    Report Financial audit

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    The Ministry of Defence has made significant improvements in its management of and accounting for assets held on its inventory systems. However, the Department recognizes that it still faces significant challenges.

  8. HM Treasury’s 2013-14 Annual Report and Accounts

    Report Financial audit

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    The National Audit Office has today reported on HM Treasury’s 2013-14 Annual Report and Accounts. The report provides an overview of the context in which the Comptroller and Auditor General has carried out his audit of the Treasury’s 2013-14 financial statements; and details of his assessment of audit risk arising from the Treasury’s major financial stability and wider economic support schemes.

  9. Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs 2013-14 accounts

    Report Financial audit

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    The report covers HMRC’s progress in operating the PAYE service, its implementation of its new Real Time Information service and its performance in tax collection and in reducing error and fraud in personal tax credits.

  10. Social Fund White Paper Account 2013-14

    Report Financial audit

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    For the first time since 2009-10, the Social Fund White Paper account has not been qualified on the grounds of the completeness, existence and valuation of the debt balance.

  11. Northern Ireland National Insurance Fund Account

    Report Financial audit

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    The NAO welcomes the progress being made by the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency in reducing levels of fraud and error in benefit payments.