Showing 821 - 840 of 2637 results

  1. Update on preparations for Smart Metering

    Report Value for money

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    The economic case for the smart metering programme remains positive but there are significant risks and challenges to successful implementation, which must be managed.

  2. Major Projects Authority Annual Report 2013-14

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    The purpose of this note is to update the Committee of Public Accounts on developments since the publication of the National Audit Office report in February, particularly the release of the Authority’s second annual report on 23 May.

    June 2014.

  3. Business Perceptions Survey 2014

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    The NAO, the Better Regulation Executive (BRE) and the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO), both part of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) have published a survey looking at businesses’ perceptions of regulation.

  4. Electricity Balancing Services

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    Electricity cannot be stored economically in large quantities, and electricity supply and demand throughout the UK must therefore be balanced on a second by second basis. As System Operator, National Grid is responsible for doing this, and it uses a variety of mechanisms which are collectively known as Balancing Services.

  5. Investigation into NHS Property Services Limited

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    In response to questions raised by the House of Commons Health Committee in late 2013 and wider Parliamentary interest, we conducted an investigation into five specific concerns about NHS Property Services. Our investigation established the facts relating to these concerns.

    May 2014

  6. Update on consumer protection landscape reforms

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    In June 2011, the National Audit Office reported on the system for enforcing consumer law and the Government subsequently made a series of reforms to the consumer landscape. This update report summarises recent changes and sets out the proposed benefits to consumers, businesses and taxpayers as well as the possible risks to be managed.

  7. Review of the VFM assessment process for PFI

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    The Treasury Committee asked the National Audit Office to undertake an analysis of the VFM assessment process and model for PFI. The assessment process combines a quantitative and qualitative approach to VFM appraisal. Our review focused, primarily, on the use of the financial model in the VFM assessment process and was submitted to the Treasury Committee as part of their inquiry into PF2.

  8. The disposal of Remploy’s businesses

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    Remploy and the Department for Work & Pensions completed the disposal of Remploy factories within a tight timetable and below budget.

  9. The Privatisation of Royal Mail

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    The Department was successful in floating Royal Mail. But its approach was marked by deep caution, the price of which was borne by the taxpayer.

  10. Tax reliefs

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    There are more than 1000 tax reliefs in the UK tax system. The NAO intends to carry out future work evaluating how they are developed and implemented.

  11. Regulating financial services

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    The new system of regulating financial services will need to demonstrate in future that the cost of two regulators achieves value for money for customers.

  12. Making a whistleblowing policy work

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    The National Audit Office has today published its second report on whistleblowing. The NAO’s first report reviewed whistleblowing policies from 39 bodies, including its own, against good practice.

  13. Adult social care in England: overview

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    The provision of adequate adult social care poses a significant public service challenge. Demand for care is rising while public spending is falling.

  14. 4G radio spectrum auction: lessons learned

    Report Value for money

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    In its sale of the 4G radio spectrum the Office of Communications (Ofcom) achieved its objective of maintaining a competitive market with a number of competing providers.

  15. The Criminal Justice System: Landscape Review

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    Major changes are being made to the criminal justice system, however much remains to be done to tackle inefficiency within the system.

  16. The Help to Buy equity loan scheme

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    The Help to Buy equity loan scheme is improving access to mortgage finance, but the scheme’s costs will be substantial.

  17. Probation: landscape review

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    The National Audit Office has today published a review, which summarizes the main elements of the reform currently under way in the probation sector, and identifies the key issues now facing those involved in probation.

  18. Personal Independence Payment: early progress

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    The DWP has had to delay the Personal Independence Payment programme’s roll-out and reduce expected savings during this Spending Review period.