Showing 541 - 560 of 2637 results

  1. The Equipment Plan 2016-2026

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The risks to the affordability of the Ministry of Defence Equipment Plan are greater than at any point since reporting began in 2012.

  2. NHS Ambulance Services

    Report Value for money

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    Demand for ambulance services continues to grow rapidly, but services are finding it increasingly difficult to cope with rising demand.

  3. Housing in England: overview

    Report Value for money

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    The need for housing in England has in recent years grown faster than its supply, and housebuilding needs to increase across the country.

  4. Investigation into HMRC’s contract with Concentrix

    Report Value for money

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    HM Revenue & Customs’ (HMRC’s) contract with Synnex-Concentrix UK Ltd was terminated in November 2016. The contract was designed to add capacity to HMRC’s programme of interventions to prevent or detect error and fraud in personal tax credits awards. HMRC estimated that the contract would save £1 billion over its three year life time and an estimated £193 million, excluding Concentrix’s costs, had been saved by the time of contract termination.

  5. National Citizen Service

    Report Value for money

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    Having shown that the concept of a national citizen service has something to offer young people, to demonstrate value for money the OCS and the Trust now need to show they can grow NCS as intended and run it at a more affordable cost to the taxpayer.

  6. National Citizen Service

    Report Interactive visualisation

    Published on:

    Last updated – 13 January 2017 Notes 1) The breakdown of the local population in each Local Authority is based on the following: a. For the gender and ethnicity comparisons, the breakdown is based on 10-14 year olds residing in the local authority at the time of the 2011 Census. Published by the Office for […]

  7. Improving patient access to general practice

    Report Value for money

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    Challenging objectives for improving access to general practice have been set by the Department and NHS England, but a more coordinated approach and stronger incentives are needed.

  8. Managing the HMRC Estate

    Report Value for money

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    By reducing the number of its offices and moving to a regional centre model HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) hopes to significantly reduce its running costs and modernise the way it works. HMRC’s original plan has proved unrealistic and is now reconsidering the scope and timing of the programme. Any changes will need to be carefully managed to avoid diminishing the long term value of the strategy.

  9. Housing in England overview

    Report Interactive visualisation

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    Housing is one of the government’s key priorities. Explore the changes in the housing market in England and build a richer understanding of what they mean for different parts of the country.

  10. The Comptroller and Auditor General’s Report on the Department for Education’s financial statements 2015-16

    Report Financial audit

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    The Comptroller and Auditor General has provided an adverse opinion on the truth and fairness of the Department for Education’s group financial statements 2015-16. He has also qualified his regularity opinion because the Department has exceeded two of its expenditure limits authorised by Parliament. The Department has many challenges to overcome if it is to implement successfully its plans to provide Parliament with a better picture of academy trusts’ spending next year.

  11. The administration of the Scottish Rate of Income Tax 2015-16

    Report Value for money

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    Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs continues to make progress in ensuring that income tax levied under the Scottish rate will be assessed and collected properly, but still faces significant challenges to ensure that all Scottish taxpayers are correctly identified

  12. Protecting consumers from scams, unfair trading and unsafe goods

    Report Value for money

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    The report examines the system protecting consumers from scams, unfair trading, and unsafe goods. BEIS has made progress since our 2011 review, but needs to do more, particularly in the context of the growth of e-commerce.

  13. Citizens Advice Bureau consumer service cases

    Report Interactive visualisation

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    Last updated – 14 December 2016 Introduction The Citizens Advice Consumer Service (formerly known as Consumer Direct) is a national telephone helpline for people that need assistance with consumer problems or want to record a complaint. The service is provided to consumers in Great Britain by Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland. In 2015-16 the […]

  14. Financial sustainability of schools

    Report Value for money

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    The government’s approach to managing the risks to schools’ financial sustainability cannot be judged to be effective or providing value for money until more progress is made.

  15. Crown Commercial Service

    Report Value for money

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    It is not possible to show that the Crown Commercial Service has achieved more than departments would otherwise have achieved by buying common goods and services themselves.

  16. Local Enterprise Partnerships: census findings

    Report Value for money

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    This publication presents the results of our census of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs). The census was conducted as part of our report Local Enterprise Partnerships, published in March 2016.

  17. Department for International Development: investing through CDC

    Report Value for money

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    The Department for International Development has improved its oversight of CDC and has directed it to address many of the weaknesses previously identified by Parliament. However, it remains a significant challenge for CDC to demonstrate its ultimate objective of creating and making a lasting difference to people’s lives in some of the world’s poorest places.