Showing 501 - 520 of 2637 results

  1. The Customs Declaration Service

    Report Value for money

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    HMRC has made progress in developing the new customs system, which was part of its existing programme, but it may need to be ready much earlier than originally planned if there is no agreement extending timescales on the transition to any new customs arrangements

  2. The new generation electronic monitoring programme

    Report Value for money

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    The case for a huge expansion of electronic monitoring using GPS was unproven, but the Ministry of Justice pursued an overly ambitious and high risk strategy anyway. Ultimately it has not delivered.

  3. Progress in setting up combined authorities

    Report Value for money

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    For combined authorities to deliver real progress they will need to demonstrate that they can drive economic growth and contribute to public sector reform.

  4. Investigation into NHS continuing healthcare funding

    Report Value for money

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    Funding for ongoing health care is a complex and highly sensitive area, which can affect some of the most vulnerable people in society and those that care for them.

  5. Department for Work and Pensions Accounts 2016-17

    Report Financial audit

    Published on:

    The Comptroller and Auditor General, Amyas Morse, has qualified his audit opinion on the regularity of the 2016-17 accounts of the Department for Work and Pensions. This is owing to the high level of fraud and error in benefit expenditure excluding State Pension, resulting in over and underpayments to claimants.

    4 July 2017

  6. Online Fraud

    Report Value for money

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    Online fraud is now the most commonly experienced crime in England and Wales, but has been overlooked by government, law enforcement and industry.

  7. Mental health in prisons

    Report Value for money

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    Government does not know how many people in prison have a mental illness, how much it is spending on mental health in prisons or whether it is achieving its objectives. It is therefore hard to see how Government can be achieving value for money in its efforts to improve the mental health and well being of prisoners. In 2016 there were 40,161 incidents of self-harm in prisons and 120 self-inflicted deaths.

  8. Hinkley Point C

    Report Value for money

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    The Department has committed electricity consumers and taxpayers to a high cost and risky deal in a changing energy marketplace. We cannot say the Department has maximised the chances that it will achieve value for money.

  9. Homelessness in England Visualisation

    Report Interactive visualisation

    Published on:

    Explore the broad trends identified by our report Homelessness and build a richer understanding of what they mean for different parts of the country.

  10. Protecting information across government

    Report Value for money

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    The Cabinet Office has not yet established a clear role for itself in coordinating and leading departments’ efforts to protect their information, according to the National Audit Office. Today’s report found that its ambition to undertake such a role is weakened by the limited information which departments collect on their security costs, performance and risks. […]

  11. Report on the funding and governance of Broken Rainbow

    Report Value for money

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    This NAO report looks into the funding and oversight of the charity Broken Rainbow. Broken Rainbow provided support to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. The charity received most of its funding through grants, principally from the Home Office.

  12. Managing the BBC’s workforce

    Report Value for money

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    The BBC’s approach to managing its workforce shows definite progress. It will need to monitor workforce changes carefully to build on the recent progress it has made.