Showing 421 - 440 of 494 results

  1. Financial sustainability of the NHS

    Press release

    Published on:

    The financial performance of NHS bodies worsened considerably in 2015-16, according to the National Audit Office.

  2. Delivering the defence estate

    Press release

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    The MoD has developed a strategy that identifies the estate it needs and the 25% of its estate it can dispose of by 2040. However, the strategy and current funding levels allow only for a partial reversal of the decline in the condition of the remaining estate. There is a significant risk that the poor condition of the estate will affect the Department’s ability to provide the defence capability needed.

  3. Introduction of the new state pension

    Press release

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    The Department for Work and Pensions successfully managed the introduction of the new state pension, but it is not yet clear whether the simplified system will encourage people to save more for their retirement.

  4. HMRC’s approach to collecting tax from high net worth individuals

    Press release

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    HMRC has a special unit to collect tax from high net worth individuals who are those with assets of £20m or more. While this special unit gives it a better understanding of the tax affairs and behaviours of these taxpayers it needs to evaluate what approaches are the most effective and to understand the outcome it achieves.

  5. Children in need of help or protection

    Press release

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    The Department for Education recognised since 2010 that child protection services are not good enough but its subsequent response has not yet resulted in better outcomes. Spending on children’s social work, including on child protection, varies widely across England and is not related to quality. Neither the DfE nor authorities understand why spending varies.

  6. Protecting information across government

    Press release

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    Protecting information while re-designing public services and introducing the technology necessary to support them is an increasingly complex challenge.

  7. The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement programme

    Press release

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    UK Government says it is on track to meet target to resettle 20,000 Syrian refugees by 2020. Local authorities’ ability to secure suitable school places and houses a risk to success. NAO estimate programme will cost £1.12bn by 2020.

  8. Spending Review 2015

    Press release

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    There have been improvements in the way government plans and manages public sector activity, but the NAO does not consider that there exists a coherent, enduring framework for planning and management.

    This report is published alongside ‘Government’s management of its performance: progress with single departmental plans’.

  9. The £13 billion sale of former Northern Rock assets

    Press release

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    The disposal of former Northern Rock mortgages and loans in 2015 was the government’s largest ever financial asset sale. When judged against the Government’s objective to shrink the balance sheet swiftly the deal was value for money.

  10. Ministry of Defence 2015-16 accounts

    Press release

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    The Comptroller and Auditor General has qualified his audit opinion on the Ministry of Defence’s 2015-16 accounts.