Showing 341 - 360 of 494 results

  1. Child Maintenance Client Funds Accounts 2016-17

    Press release

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    The C&AG has qualified his audit opinions on the Client Funds Accounts prepared by the Department for Work and Pensions for the 1993 and 2003 Child Maintenance Schemes on the grounds of material levels of irregular receipts and payments and misstated arrears balances. However he has given a clean audit opinion on the 2012 Child Maintenance Scheme Account after improvements in the accuracy of assessing child maintenance claims.

    14 December 2017

  2. Investigation: National Lottery funding for good causes

    Press release

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    An investigation into the fall in National Lottery income for good causes in 2016-17. It reviews the trends in total National Lottery sales and income for good causes, focusing on the six distributors with the largest share of National Lottery income and the way they have managed the balances within the National Lottery Distribution Fund.

    13 December 2017

  3. The Green Investment Bank

    Press release

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    This examines whether the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has achieved the objectives of the UK Green Investment Bank intervention, and whether UK Government Investments has achieved value for money in the subsequent sale of the Bank.

  4. The higher education market

    Press release

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    Young people are making complex choices about higher education without much effective help and advice, and the institutions concerned are under very little competitive pressure to provide best value.

  5. The BBC’s understanding of its audiences and users

    Press release

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    The report examines whether to inform decisions across the BBC, the Corporation efficiently, effectively and economically understands how people use and respond to the full range of its services.

  6. Charity Commission: Progress report

    Press release

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    The National Audit Office has today published its report on the progress made by the Charity Commission. The Commission is the regulator of charities in England and Wales and is an independent, non-ministerial government department accountable to Parliament.

    29 November 2017

  7. International Citizen Service

    Press release

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    The National Audit Office has today published a report on the International Citizen Service (ICS). The Department for International Development launched the ICS in 2011 to provide volunteer placements overseas for 18-25 year olds and team leader placements for 23-35 year olds.

    28 November 2017

  8. Update on the Thameslink Programme

    Press release

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    The programme to upgrade to the Thameslink routes through London has a realistic prospect of delivering value for money but there remains risks which the Department for Transport and Network Rail need to manage carefully.

  9. Air Quality

    Press release

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    This National Audit Office briefing gives an overview of government’s approach to improving air quality in the UK. It has been prepared in support of a joint inquiry by the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC), the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Committee, the Health Committee and the Transport Committee. It examines why air quality matters; the UK’s plan for improving air quality; and risks and success factors for delivery of government’s air quality plans.

    16 November 2017

  10. Cross-government funding of research and development

    Press release

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    Government investment in science requires strategic vision and clear information so that it can ensure the UK is investing in the right areas. Our report is accompanied by an Evaluative Framework to guide effective cross-government coordination.

  11. Evaluating the government balance sheet: borrowing

    Press release

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    Public and private borrowing are high, kept affordable by record low interest rates, and quantitative easing continues ten years after the crisis it responded to.

  12. Academy Schools Sector in England Consolidated Accounts 2015-16

    Press release

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    This is the first year in which the Department for Education (the Department) has produced Academy Sector Accounts which consolidate the results of the 3,013 academy trusts that were open during the year ended 31 August 2016.