Government a long way from achieving its vision of containing antimicrobial resistance
Published on:A new report from the National Audit Office finds that government has made limited progress on combatting antimicrobial resistance.
A new report from the National Audit Office finds that government has made limited progress on combatting antimicrobial resistance.
FCDO’s £285mn investment in St Helena Airport has not yet achieved expected benefits, including increased tourism and self-generated income.
An increasingly complex tax system is burdening government and business with billions in admin costs and rising.
The head of the NAO’s annual speech will focus on the challenges of rising demand for public services and stretched resources.
This report examines efforts to address gender based violence, to support the government’s target to halve violence against women and girls.
Gareth Davies, the head of the NAO, has qualified his audit opinion on DBT’s 2023-24 financial statements.
The cyber threat to UK government is severe; government must act now to protect its own operations and key public services.
The public spending watchdog has estimated that the government’s maintenance backlog is at least £49 billion.
Government can save significant sums of time and money by improving how it engages with technology suppliers.
Government has made progress in recovering COVID-era sports and culture loans, but it needs a long-term plan to manage repayments at scale.
Public electric vehicle chargepoint installations are on track, but government needs to make sure they are located in the right places.
The total amount of outstanding Carer’s Allowance overpayment debt rose to £250 million in 2023-24, increasing from £150 million in 2018-19.
The government’s 2021 commitment to deliver 20,000 new prison places is not expected to be achieved until 2031, a new NAO report has revealed.
The dental recovery plan, launched in February 2024, is unlikely deliver an additional 1.5 million treatments by March 2025.
The Whole of Government Accounts consolidates accounts from over 10,000 public bodies, providing an overview of the UK’s public finances.
Gaps in how public bodies manage conflicts of interest among staff pose a risk to government’s ability to perform its functions objectively.
This report looks at the financial and non-financial performance of BBC Studios, and if it is on track to meet its strategic objectives.
Home Office’s quick acquisition of the Northeye site for asylum accommodation led to it cutting corners and paying more than it needed to.
Energy bills support successfully protected many people and businesses during 2022 and 2023 from rising energy prices.
A review of how NHS Health Checks are provided in England is needed to improve the system for preventing cardiovascular disease.