Search results for 'Risk management'

Showing 161 - 180 of 444 results

  1. Fracking for shale gas in England

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This report sets out the facts about the government’s support of shale gas development in England.

  2. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Applying the general principles

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. The general principles should be applied sensibly. In particular, think about: Simplicity and proportionality.  Processes, including commissioning, should be as simple as possible and proportionate.  Financial controls, monitoring and evaluation requirements and external inspection should be intelligently designed and implemented [Note 1] Transparency.  The more you can be […]

  3. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Sustainable financing

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. It is not in the interests of third sector organisations (TSOs) to enter into financial arrangements that are going to undermine them financially – perhaps even kill them off.  Nor is it in the interest of public bodies to impose financial arrangements on a TSO that will […]

  4. Progress on the government estate strategy

    Press release

    Published on:

    Departments have continued to reduce their estates and government is now getting better value for money. The Government Property Unit, however, has not yet made much progress towards its more challenging objective of creating an integrated estate.

  5. Decommissioning toolkit
    Principles for successful decommissioning

    This page is part of our decommissioning toolkit. Our research points to nine fundamental principles underlying effective decommissioning: Good communication Open, honest, regular and transparent engagement and consultation with service providers and users can help overcome any fear and mistrust that might arise between commissioners, providers and users. Understand needs and the provider market A […]

  6. Update on consumer protection landscape reforms

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    In June 2011, the National Audit Office reported on the system for enforcing consumer law and the Government subsequently made a series of reforms to the consumer landscape. This update report summarises recent changes and sets out the proposed benefits to consumers, businesses and taxpayers as well as the possible risks to be managed.

  7. Decision support tool
    Applying the general principles

    This page is part of our decision support tool. You should interpret these principles flexibly to achieve desired ends through the most sensible means. The important considerations are: Focus on outcomes: do not focus unduly on the process of awarding funds. Your primary concern should be achieving the outcomes [Footnote 1] desired Empathy: if you […]

  8. Decommissioning toolkit
    Risk assessment

    This page is part of our decommissioning toolkit. As part of the planning phase and in line with good practice in project management, commissioners should prepare a thorough risk assessment with risk management strategies to mitigate the impact of any risk occurring. The risks considered should be risks to the decommissioning process itself and include […]

  9. Decision support tool
    Determine payment formula

    This page is part of our decision support tool. Basis of payment ‘Basis of payment’ can include payment: ‘Up front’ to finance set-up costs On the completion of stages of work or the achievement of milestones (steps towards an output or outcome) On the achievement of outputs or outcomes At fixed intervals At the end […]

  10. Preparedness for online safety regulation

    Press release

    Published on:

    Ofcom has made a good start in its preparations for implementing a new online safety regime, and must now manage risks around monitoring, scope and financing, according to a new report by the National Audit Office.

  11. Case Study: HMRC VAT Services – The impact of legacy ICT

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    These case studies illustrate how four government bodies are managing the risk of their legacy ICT systems (that is, typically older ICT systems critical for the delivery of public services).

  12. Carrier Strike: The 2012 reversion decision

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The MOD acted promptly to revert to the decision to buy the vertical take-off version of the Joint Strike Fighter but will have to manage significant risks.

  13. Helping your Audit Committee to add value

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    2nd edition, January 2012

    We have pulled together practical top tips for Audit Committees from the good practice shared in facilitated, syndicated-based workshops in the past and from other meetings with non-executive directors.