Search results for 'Business and industry'

Showing 161 - 180 of 645 results

  1. Performance measurement by regulators

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    This good practice guide aids improvement in performance measurement and reporting by regulators and other organisations seeking to deliver outcomes through third parties. It has been developed in collaboration with regulators and includes the NAO’s experience from working with them and examples of regulators’ good practice. It’s complemented by ‘Performance measurement: Good practice criteria and maturity model’.

  2. BBC TV Licence fee collection

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The BBC has improved the value for money of its activity, but there is scope to make improvements, particularly on licence fee evasion and the incomplete transition programme.

  3. Delivering Carrier Strike

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Department has made good progress since we last reported on Carrier Strike, however it still has a lot to do to meet its targets at the end of 2020.

  4. Government Commercial and Contracting: an overview of the NAO’s work

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This overview of the NAO’s work on the government’s management of contracting examines subjects including the government’s commercial capability, accountability and transparency, and its management of contracted-out service delivery.

  5. English devolution deals

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Devolution deals to devolve power from central government to local areas in England offer opportunities to stimulate economic growth and reform public services for local users, but the arrangements are untested and government could do more to provide confidence that these deals will achieve the benefits intended

  6. The new generation electronic monitoring programme

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The case for a huge expansion of electronic monitoring using GPS was unproven, but the Ministry of Justice pursued an overly ambitious and high risk strategy anyway. Ultimately it has not delivered.

  7. A Short Guide to Regulation

    Overview Short guide

    Published on:

    The NAO is publishing a suite of short guides relating to each government department and some cross-government issues, to assist House of Commons Select Committees.

  8. Managing the HMRC Estate

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    By reducing the number of its offices and moving to a regional centre model HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) hopes to significantly reduce its running costs and modernise the way it works. HMRC’s original plan has proved unrealistic and is now reconsidering the scope and timing of the programme. Any changes will need to be carefully managed to avoid diminishing the long term value of the strategy.

  9. Crown Commercial Service

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    It is not possible to show that the Crown Commercial Service has achieved more than departments would otherwise have achieved by buying common goods and services themselves.

  10. Digital Transformation in Government (2017)

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Digital transformation has a mixed track record across government. It has not yet provided a level of change that will allow government to further reduce costs while still meeting people’s needs.

  11. Improving patient access to general practice

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Challenging objectives for improving access to general practice have been set by the Department and NHS England, but a more coordinated approach and stronger incentives are needed.

  12. Paying government suppliers on time

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    There is little evidence that government’s commitment to pay 80% of undisputed invoices within 5 working days is having the intended effect of helping the UK’s 5 million small and medium-sized enterprises.

  13. Hinkley Point C

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Department has committed electricity consumers and taxpayers to a high cost and risky deal in a changing energy marketplace. We cannot say the Department has maximised the chances that it will achieve value for money.

  14. Principles Paper: Managing provider failure

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    This paper explores the principles departments should use to manage provider failure. There is room for improvement in the way failure of providers is considered and managed.

  15. Service Family Accommodation

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This memorandum has been prepared to support the Committee of Public Accounts’ consideration of the Ministry of Defence’s (MoD’s) provision of accommodation to its service personnel.

  16. Investigation into the UKTI specialist services contract with PA Consulting

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This is an investigation into the contractual arrangements that UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) had in place since 2013-14 for the outsourcing of sector specialist services with PA Consulting. PA received £18.8million in the first year of a contract due to last three years. Following concerns about the way the contract had been priced UKTI terminated the contract in January 2016 and agreed a commercial settlement with PA in May 2016.

  17. Public service markets: Putting things right when they go wrong

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Over 10 million people who used public services (about 1 in 5) in the UK last year faced problems with the services. Detriment can and does occur. But users find the complaints and redress systems confusing.