Search results for 'regulation'

Showing 161 - 180 of 617 results

  1. Cloud services: asking the right questions

    Insight Opinion

    Published on:

    Cloud services’ can bring cost and performance benefits. But they can also bring new challenges and risks. To help leaders oversee decision-making and implementation of cloud services, we recently published ‘Guidance for audit committees on cloud services’. The magazine, Public Sector Executive, invited us to outline the issues in the article The National Audit Office’s guide […]

  2. Our enquiries into Civil Service Learning’s contract with Capita

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has today published its findings on the Civil Service Learning contract with Capita Business Services Ltd (Capita). The NAO’s enquiries address specific concerns from several people who raised different but overlapping concerns about the operation of the contract.

  3. Contract management – challenges and consequences

    Insight Opinion

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    Establishing solid foundations early in the contract and commercial relationship lifecycle is critical for contracts to work. But this process starts long before contracts are signed. Two recent NAO reports provide insights into the importance of getting both the procurement strategy and process right. Experience has shown that not doing so can result in millions […]

  4. Reforming defence acquisition

    Report Value for money

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    MOD has made good progress stabilising the equipment programme but needs to set out how a bespoke trading entity will transform Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) into the leading defence acquisition organisation by 2017.

  5. Business Perceptions Survey 2012

    Report Value for money

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    The NAO, Better Regulation Executive and the Better Regulation Delivery Office have published a survey into businesses’ perception of regulation.

  6. Early contracts for renewable electricity

    Report Value for money

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    The Government awarded, without competition, £16.6 billion worth of early contracts to eight renewable generation projects at risk of investment delay.

  7. The packaging recycling obligations

    Report Value for money

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    This report identifies lessons from the management and performance of the packaging recycling obligation system.

  8. Preparedness for online safety regulation

    Press release

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    Ofcom has made a good start in its preparations for implementing a new online safety regime, and must now manage risks around monitoring, scope and financing, according to a new report by the National Audit Office.

  9. Regulating to achieve environmental outcomes

    Press release

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    In the 25 Year Environment Plan, government identified regulation as one of the key mechanisms to achieve its environmental goals. Through different regulatory bodies, Defra is already delivering a range of regulatory interventions. This study will examine how regulation is contributing towards the delivery of government’s environmental objectives.

  10. Update on consumer protection landscape reforms

    Report Value for money

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    In June 2011, the National Audit Office reported on the system for enforcing consumer law and the Government subsequently made a series of reforms to the consumer landscape. This update report summarises recent changes and sets out the proposed benefits to consumers, businesses and taxpayers as well as the possible risks to be managed.

  11. Privacy statement

    This privacy statement explains how the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) and the National Audit Office (NAO) use and protect any data they hold about you. This statement also summarises your rights in relation to that data.

  12. Low carbon heating of homes and businesses and the Renewable Heat Incentive

    Report Value for money

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    The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is a scheme to encourage a switch from fossil fuel heating systems to renewable and low-carbon alternatives in homes and business premises in Great Britain. Our report assesses the value for money of the RHI for Great Britain.

  13. Infrastructure investment: the impact on consumer bills

    Report Value for money

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    Large-scale infrastructure spending by the private sector over ten years or more will increase consumer utility bills but government and regulators do not know by how much or whether the bills will be affordable.

  14. Regulating financial sustainability in higher education

    Report Value for money

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    The Higher Education Funding Council has taken a cost-efficient approach and has delivered value for money in the context in which it has operated to date. However, the sector is facing a period of transition to a very different financial environment.

  15. Regulating Network Rail’s efficiency

    Report Value for money

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    Limitations in Network Rail’s cost information has hampered the ability of the Office of Rail Regulation to assess efficiency savings.

  16. Transforming government’s contract management

    Report Value for money

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    We published two reports today – Following the discovery of widespread and deep-rooted weaknesses in the government’s management of contracts it is starting to improve how it manages its contracts.

  17. Help to Buy Equity Loan scheme Data Visualisation

    Report Interactive visualisation

    Published on:

    Last updated – 21 October 2019 Introduction to the topic The government introduced the Help to Buy: Equity Loan scheme to address a fall in property sales following the financial crash of 2008 and the consequent tightening of regulations by the regulatory authorities over the availability of high loan-to-value and high loan-to-income mortgages. The scheme has two […]