Showing 1641 - 1660 of 2623 results

  1. Department of Work and Pensions: delivering effective services through contact centres

    Report Value for money

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    The Department for Work and Pensions has made significant progress in delivering services through contact centres so that they are delivering improvements in value for money, but needs to continue to tackle a variety of barriers to exploit their full potential, according to a National Audit Office report published today. The Department’s 60 contact centres […]

  2. Crown Prosecution Service: Effective use of Magistrates’ Court Hearings

    Report Value for money

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    £173 million was spent last year on trials and hearings in magistrates’ courts that did not go ahead as planned. Of this, nearly £24 million was due to the Crown Prosecution Service. The National Audit Office calculate that 28 per cent (784,000 annually) of all pre-trial hearings in magistrates’ courts do not proceed on the […]

  3. The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets: Sale of gas networks by National Grid

    Report Value for money

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    Against a background of rising gas prices, Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today on major developments in the gas industry that have the potential to reduce gas bills in the longer term. There is uncertainty, however, as to whether consumers will see the full extent of the potential benefits. In […]

  4. NHS Direct 2004-2005: Qualification of Audit Opinion

    Report Financial audit

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    Head of the National Audit Office Sir John Bourn has qualified his opinion on the accounts of NHS Direct for the year up to 31 March 2005 because of a lack of evidence to support a significant number of payroll payments. A second reason for the qualification was a lack of evidence to support comparative […]

  5. National Insurance Fund Account 2004-05

    Report Financial audit

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    Clarification Point 2 in the C&AG introduction (page 26), should read: “From April 2003 an additional one per cent National Insurance contribution has been collected and allocated directly to the National Health Service, bringing the total payments to the NHS to some £16.8 billion in 2004-2005 (£14.9 billion in 2003-2004).” Head of the National Audit […]

  6. The Electronic Monitoring of Adult Offenders

    Report Value for money

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    According to the National Audit Office, electronic monitoring of adult offenders provides value for money and a cost effective alternative to custody for low risk offenders. Three months of an electronically monitored curfew are nearly five times cheaper than three months in custody. On average, it costs £1,300 to monitor an offender who has been […]

  7. Home Office Resource Account 2004-2005

    Report Financial audit

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that the Home Office had not maintained proper financial books and records for the financial year ending 31 March 2005. Sir John therefore concluded that, because the Home Office failed to deliver its accounts for audit by the statutory timetable and because […]

  8. The Wider Markets Initiative

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    Under the Wider Markets Initiative government departments could provide real gains to the public sector, according to the NAO. The initiative encourages the public sector to make fuller use of core public assets in an enterprising way – developing and selling new goods and services. Where undertaken, such new activities are working well. The benefits […]

  9. Department for Work and Pensions Resource Accounts 2004-2005

    Report Financial audit

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    The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has made progress in improving the design of some leaflets but could go further to make them easier for the public to understand and get hold of, according to a National Audit Office report published today. The report also found that the DWP could improve how it checks […]

  10. Northern Ireland Policing Board Best Value Performance Plan for 2005-06

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the NAO, in his annual review of the Northern Ireland Policing Board’s Best Value Performance Plan reported that this year’s Plan meets the statutory requirements and that the quality of the Plan, its performance information and its performance monitoring show a year on year improvement. Sir John has also reviewed […]

  11. Corporation Tax: Companies managed by HM Revenue and Customs’ Area offices

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    The management of Corporation Tax by HM Revenue and Customs’ Area offices has improved in recent years, according to the National Audit Office. However, the variations in performance across offices offer scope for further savings in the costs of managing the tax and generating additional tax revenue. The Department’s Area offices administer Corporation Tax for […]

  12. Improving poorly performing schools

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    A large proportion of schools in England provide high standards of education, with pupil attainment improving in primary and secondary schools. However, some schools are performing less well. The Department for Education and Skills and Ofsted use several definitions to identify schools that are performing poorly and need additional support; among the 1,557 schools included […]

  13. Community Fund Financial Statements 2004-05 – discovery of irregular grant applications

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that he has qualified his audit opinion on the accounts of the Community Fund for 2004-05. The Community Fund (now operating as the Big Lottery Fund together with the New Opportunities Fund) have reported that, in September 2004 they identified a number […]

  14. Employers’ perspectives on improving skills for employment

    Report Value for money

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    More employers in England need to be persuaded of the value to their businesses of employment-related education and skills training, according to the National Audit Office. Today’s report to Parliament recommends that the ways in which employers get advice and information be simplified; that the emphasis should be on flexible and affordable training that employers […]

  15. The South Eastern Passenger Rail Franchise

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    The Strategic Rail Authority successfully managed the termination of Connex South Eastern’s franchise after the SRA lost confidence in the company’s financial management, according to the National Audit Office. Taxpayers’ interests were largely protected and passenger services maintained. But this case did highlight lessons for the awarding and managing of franchises. In June 2003, the […]