Search results for 'Tax'

Showing 141 - 160 of 367 results

  1. Tax measures to encourage economic growth

    Press release

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    Although government provides billions in tax reliefs each year to encourage growth, it does not monitor or evaluate them closely enough.

  2. Review of the data systems for HM Revenue and Customs


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    Review of a sample of the data systems underpinning the input and impact indicators in HM Revenue & Customs’ Business Plan, Common Areas of Spend and wider management information.

  3. Investigation into devolved funding

    Report Value for money

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    This investigation covers how the UK government determines the amount of funding it allocates to the devolved administrations.

  4. Settling large tax disputes

    Report Value for money

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    Following review by a former tax judge, the NAO concludes that all five settlements were reasonable but there is concern over the settlement processes.

  5. Managing and replacing the Aspire contract

    Report Value for money

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    There are serious risks to HMRC’s business if the programme to replace the Aspire contract fails to meet its objectives by June 2017, when the contract ends.

  6. Efficiency savings require learning past lessons

    Insight Opinion

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    Gareth Davies, head of the NAO, outlines lessons from NAO reports into the government’s handling of COVID-19 in a keynote speech at the Houses of Parliament.

  7. Investigation into Verify

    Report Value for money

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    An investigation into Verify, the government’s identity verification platform. It examines its performance, costs and benefits.

  8. HM Revenue and Customs: Progress on reducing costs

    Report Value for money

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    In 2011-12 HMRC maintained its performance while reducing staff and spending but it is too early to tell what the long-term impact of cost reduction will be.

  9. One in five legacy benefit claimants not switching to Universal Credit

    Press release

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    One in five people on Tax Credits who were invited to move to Universal Credit (UC) did not then claim UC and had their benefits stopped, according to a new report by the National Audit Office (NAO). The coalition government proposed UC in 2010 to replace six means-tested benefits for working-age households.1 DWP estimates that […]

  10. HMRC The compliance and enforcement programme

    Report Value for money

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    A major HMRC programme to improve the way it tackles evasion delivered £4.32 billion of additional tax yield, reduced staff numbers and improved compliance work. However the Department is not yet exploiting the full potential of its new systems.

  11. HM Revenue and Customs Renewed Alcohol Strategy: A progress report

    Report Value for money

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    HMRC’s renewed strategy for dealing with alcohol duty fraud is a significant improvement on the previous strategy. However, the Department needs a reliable estimate of the tax gaps for beer and wine; and to tackle successfully the illicit diversion of duty-unpaid alcohol back into the UK market.

  12. Progress with Making Tax Digital

    Press release

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    HMRC’s flagship tax transformation programme is now expected to cost five times the original forecast in 2016 (in real terms) following repeated delays.

  13. The expansion of online filing of tax returns

    Report Value for money

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    The programme to increase online filing of tax returns has made significant progress, but HMRC needs a better understanding of the benefits and costs to customers and how its online filing costs compare to those for paper returns.

  14. Core skills at HM Revenue and Customs

    Report Value for money

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    HM Revenue and Customs will have to make sure its staff have the right skills if the Department is to succeed in cutting its running costs by 25 per cent by 2014-2015 and bringing in each year an extra £7 billion of tax revenue.