Search results for 'Money and tax'

Showing 141 - 160 of 245 results

  1. Progress with VFM savings and lessons for cost reduction programmes

    Report Value for money

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    This report looks at how much the Treasury’s Value for Money savings programme has improved value for money across government. The programme aims to achieve government-wide annual savings of £35 billion from 2008-09 to 2010-11.

  2. HM Revenue and Customs 2008-09 Accounts: The Comptroller and Auditor General’s Standard Report

    Report Financial audit

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    The economic downturn has been largely responsible for a £21.7 billion reduction in taxes and duties collected by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in 2008-9, according to a report released today by the National Audit Office. Income Tax and National Insurance contributions fell by £5.7 billion; revenue from VAT fell by £6.4 billion (partly reflecting […]

  3. HM Revenue & Customs: Managing variations in workload

    Report Value for money

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    HM Revenue & Customs faces large peaks in its workload but, by introducing different filing deadlines for paper and online Income Tax Self Assessment returns, it has smoothed some of those peaks. A National Audit Office report today found that, in 2007-08, HMRC received more than a quarter of the 4 million Tax Credit renewals […]

  4. HM Revenue & Customs: The Control and Facilitation of Imports

    Report Value for money

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    HM Revenue & Customs clears most imported goods quickly, and processes for submitting customs declarations and payments for non-EU imports are straightforward, says a report out today from the National Audit Office. The rate of physical checks at the UK border is below the EU average, however, and the number of audits of traders has […]

  5. HM Revenue & Customs: Management of Tax Debt

    Report Value for money

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    HMRC has improved how it manages debts owed to it by taxpayers, according to a report by the National Audit Office. The amount of money owed has reduced from 4.3 per cent of tax collected in 2005-06 to 3.8 per cent in 2007-08. The age of the direct tax debt has also reduced. Over the […]

  6. Department for Work and Pensions: Management of benefit overpayment debt

    Report Value for money

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    Today the National Audit Office has reported that the Department for Work and Pensions increased recoveries of benefit overpayments from £180 million in 2005-06 to £272 million in 2007-08, and preliminary results suggest that the Department has achieved its recovery target of £279 million for 2008-09. But recoveries are not keeping pace with the rate […]

  7. HM Revenue & Customs 2020-21 Accounts

    Press release

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    Gareth Davies, the Comptroller and Auditor General of the National Audit Office, has reported on the 2020-21 accounts of HM Revenue & Customs.

  8. HM Revenue & Customs: Accuracy in processing Income Tax

    Report Value for money

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    Income tax is processed accurately in the majority of cases by HM Revenue & Customs, but errors in processing lead to the wrong amount of tax being paid by around 1 million taxpayers, the NAO says today. In a new report to Parliament, the spending watchdog points out that HMRC accurately calculates the right amount […]

  9. Tackling the hidden economy

    Report Value for money

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    HM Revenue & Customs achieved a return of around £4.50 for every £1 spent on tackling the hidden economy in 2006-07 and recent campaigns to encourage people into the formal economy have achieved much higher returns. But, according to the National Audit Office, the penalties the Department imposes when it detects people in the hidden […]

  10. Good practice in tackling external fraud

    Insight Good practice guides

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    The purpose of the guide is to demonstrate and explain some of the good practices used by organisations in tackling external fraud. It includes checklists to help you assess your current practices.

  11. Helping individuals understand and complete their tax forms

    Report Value for money

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    Making forms and guidance easier to obtain and understand should help to reduce the unintentional errors by taxpayers and result in more accurate tax assessments. A report from the National Audit Office today proposes improvements which build on changes already introduced by HM Revenue & Customs. Taxpayers can obtain forms and guidance from HM Revenue […]

  12. Environmental tax measures

    Press release

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    This report examines how HM Treasury and HMRC manage tax measures that have an impact on the environment.

  13. Management of large business corporation tax

    Report Value for money

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    HMRC has made progress in changing the way it deals with Corporation Tax for the largest businesses in the UK, the NAO says today, but there are ways in which it can improve, particularly in focusing on higher amounts of tax at risk. That was the main finding in today’s report to Parliament which recognises […]