Showing 1361 - 1380 of 2227 results

  1. Driving the Successful Delivery of Major Defence Projects: Effective Project Control

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    Overview The National Audit Office published today its “gold standard” for project control of major defence projects. This aims to help the MoD improve its performance in delivering projects on time and to budget. It forms part of a second in a suite of studies exploring key project success factors and how the MoD and […]

  2. Department of Health – Innovation in the NHS: Local Improvement Finance Trusts

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that the Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) initiative, launched in 2001, is an effective means of improving primary health and social care. The LIFT model has a number of strengths: it takes a long term strategic approach to local health provision which combines the […]

  3. Securing strategic leadership for the learning and skills sector in England

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that the frameworks that the Department for Education and Skills and the Learning and Skills Council have developed and put in place to plan and monitor the further education sector are likely to support systematic planning and provide reasonable assurance. As the frameworks develop, […]

  4. Public Service Agreements: Managing Data Quality – Compendium Report

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today on the progress that Departments have made in establishing robust data systems to measure and report performance against 2003-06 Public Service Agreement targets. This interim report draws on the NAO’s examination of the data systems used by seven Departments and the cross cutting Sure […]

  5. Stopping Illegal Imports of Animal Products into Great Britain

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    Customs has moved quickly to tighten border controls against illegal imports of animal products from outside of the European Union, since taking over this enforcement role in April 2003. As a result, the number of seizures has more than doubled, Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today. He recommended that […]

  6. Directory Enquiries – From 192 to 118

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    Sir John Bourn, Head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today that not all consumers have yet benefited from the move from 192 to 118 directory enquiry numbers, but that the market was still evolving. Specifically, the average residential consumer is paying more for a directory enquiries service with no obvious improvement in quality. […]

  7. Evaluation of Regulatory Impact Assessments Compendium Report 2004-05

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, said today that there were examples where the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) process had helped departments to develop a better policy proposal. But there were also cases where its impact was limited because it had not been an integral part of the policy making process. Sir […]

  8. Improving Public Services through Better Construction

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today on the progress that departments and their agencies have made to their construction delivery performance since his 2001 report “Modernising Construction”. He concluded that there had been a considerable improvement in completing projects to time and cost and that real savings were being delivered, […]

  9. The NHS Cancer Plan: A Progress Report

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    The National Audit Office reported today that, four years into the 10-year NHS Cancer Plan, substantial progress has been made in meeting the Plan’s targets. The thirty-four cancer networks which have been established have achieved important improvements in delivering cancer services across England. However, the networks need to be more effective and to develop partnership […]

  10. Ministry of Defence – Quality of Housing Services to Service Families Overseas

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) does well to manage the difficult job of having housing available for Service personnel and their families when posted overseas. However, it needs to adopt a greater customer focus in its delivery of housing services overseas. It also […]

  11. Citizen Redress: What citizens can do if things go wrong with public services

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that it could be made easier for citizens to seek redress for potential mistakes made by government organisations; and that greater efficiency in how those government organisations deal with complaints and appeals could bring significant savings. In 2003-04, citizens made over 1.4 million complaints […]

  12. Financial Management of the European Union

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    Today Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament on developments in the financial management of European Union funds. His report summarises the main findings of the latest Annual Report by the European Court of Auditors, published in November 2004, which covers the management of the General Budget of the European […]

  13. Tackling Cancer: Improving the patient journey

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    Patients’ experiences of cancer services in England in 2004 have broadly improved on the situation in 2000, when the NHS Cancer Plan was introduced, according to head of the National Audit Office Sir John Bourn. Patients responding to a national survey of cancer patients carried out by the NAO were more positive, to a greater […]

  14. Department of Trade and Industry: Financial Support for Post Offices

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    As a result of DTIs financial support and involvement, through its role as shareholder, Post Office Limited is now on a sounder financial footing, Sir John Bourn, head of the NAO, reported today. But the future of post offices remains uncertain and the DTI will need to be alert to falling volumes of business that […]

  15. More than a roof: progress in tackling homelessness

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that significant success has been achieved on key Government homelessness targets. There have been large falls in the numbers of people sleeping rough and families with children living in Bed & Breakfast accommodation as an emergency response to homelessness. But more work remains to […]

  16. Department of Trade and Industry: Renewable Energy

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported today that the Government is on course to achieve a significant increase in the level of electricity generated from renewable sources – as part of its response to global warming – but a number of challenges remain to achieving its 10 per cent target for […]

  17. Darent Valley Hospital: The PFI contract in action

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    Sir John Bourn delivered today the National Audit Office’s 50th PFI/PPP report to Parliament, an update report on the new Darent Valley hospital which, in 1997, had been the first hospital procured under the PFI. Sir John reported that the hospital had been successfully delivered and the Trust had received a reduction in the overall […]

  18. Improving school attendance in England

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    A report by the National Audit Office today has highlighted the major challenge faced by the Department for Education and Skills in reducing pupil absence from schools. The Department, together with local authorities and schools, has made some progress in reducing total absence. At the same time, there has been no decline in unauthorised absence, […]