Showing 1221 - 1240 of 2227 results

  1. Advantage West Midlands. Independent Performance Assessment, 2007

    Report Value for money

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    The Regional Development Agencies Advantage West Midlands, East Midlands Development Agency and Yorkshire Forward are all performing strongly, according to an independent assessment conducted by the National Audit Office. The National Audit Office has been examining the performance of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and making assessments of performance in five areas: ambition, prioritisation, capacity, performance […]

  2. East Midlands Development Agency. Independent Performance Assessment, 2007

    Report Value for money

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    The Regional Development Agencies Advantage West Midlands, East Midlands Development Agency and Yorkshire Forward are all performing strongly, according to an independent assessment conducted by the National Audit Office. The National Audit Office has been examining the performance of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and making assessments of performance in five areas: ambition, prioritisation, capacity, performance […]

  3. Yorkshire Forward. Independent Performance Assessment, 2007

    Report Value for money

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    The Regional Development Agencies Advantage West Midlands, East Midlands Development Agency and Yorkshire Forward are all performing strongly, according to an independent assessment conducted by the National Audit Office. The National Audit Office has been examining the performance of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and making assessments of performance in five areas: ambition, prioritisation, capacity, performance […]

  4. Improving the PFI tendering process

    Report Value for money

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    The NAO has concluded in a new report published today that the tendering process for PFI projects needs improvement. During 2004-2006, PFI projects took an average of almost three years (34 months) to tender. Although there was substantial variation between sectors with schools, in particular, taking significantly less time to close deals (25 months), the […]

  5. Legal aid and mediation for people involved in family breakdown

    Report Value for money

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    Too many family breakdown cases are going to court rather than being settled through mediation, the National Audit Office has today reported. Family breakdown cases which are resolved through professional mediation are cheaper and quicker to settle. And academic research shows that they secure better outcomes, particularly for children, as they are less acrimonious. However, […]

  6. The Shareholder Executive and Public Sector Businesses

    Report Value for money

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    The Shareholder Executive has improved government’s performance as owner of public businesses and is already producing some real financial gains for the public sector, according to a report out today by the National Audit Office. But increasing the Executive’s powers, such as expanding its remit to cover all public sector businesses and giving it greater […]

  7. The Academies Programme

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    Most academies have made good progress in improving GCSE results, and the programme is on track to deliver good value for money. Performance is rising faster than in other types of schools although results in English and maths are low. Academies have cost more to build than other schools, but most academy buildings are high […]

  8. The Assets Recovery Agency

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    The Assets Recovery Agency was set up without a feasibility study and has failed to achieve its targets for the recovery of criminal assets and for becoming self financing by 2005-06. To date the Agency has spent £65 million and recovered assets worth £23 million. Although the Agency now expects to become self-financing by 2009-10, […]

  9. Financial auditing and reporting – General report of Comptroller and Auditor General 2005-06

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    Most government departments are continuing to produce high quality accounts and are presenting them for audit in a timely fashion. However, Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, had to issue qualified opinions on seven out of 54 sets of departmental resource accounts in 2005-06, compared with two out of 54 sets in […]

  10. The Efficiency Programme: A Second Review of Progress

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that, halfway into the three-year efficiency programme, government departments have reported £13.3 billion in annual efficiency savings, 62 per cent of the £21.5 billion target. But departments’ progress towards achieving their individual targets varies, indicating that some departments still have a lot […]

  11. Identity and Passport Service: Introduction of ePassports

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    The Identity and Passport Service has successfully completed its project to introduce electronic passports, or ePassports, on time and to the required international standards. However, longer term risks to value for money remain because of the newness of the technology and unknown performance of border control readers in high-volume situations, a National Audit Office report […]

  12. Dr Foster Intelligence: A joint venture between the Information Centre and Dr Foster LLP

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    The Department of Health and the Information Centre could not demonstrate to the National Audit Office’s satisfaction that they had achieved value for money in establishing Dr Foster Intelligence, a joint venture between the Information Centre and a private sector company Dr Foster LLP. This is primarily because they did not go out to tender […]

  13. Preparations for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games – Risk assessment and management

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    Today’s report, which is the National Audit Office’s first on the preparations for London 2012, identifies six main risk areas which may impact on the Games: Delivering the Games against an immovable deadline. The need for strong governance and delivery structures given the multiplicity of organisations and groups involved in the Games. The requirement for […]

  14. Big science: Public investment in large scientific facilities

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    The Government’s investment in large scientific facilities is starting to deliver a significant programme including such projects as the research ship RRS James Cook and the Diamond Synchrotron light source, according to an NAO report published today. Some project teams, however, have significantly underestimated the likely running costs of facilities and more attention needs to […]

  15. Ofwat – Meeting the demand for water

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    Ofwat has secured better data on the amount of water leaking from water companies’ systems, according a report to Parliament by Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, but there is uncertainty over the effectiveness of water efficiency projects that seek to help consumers waste less water. The Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) […]

  16. How the Department for Culture, Media and Sport assessed the BBC’s efficiency as part of the licence fee settlement

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, today reported that the Department for Culture, Media and Sport has adequate evidence to assess the BBC’s efficiency as part of the Department’s consideration of the next licence fee settlement. As part of the process of setting the level of the television licence fee from April […]

  17. How European cities achieve renaissance

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    As part of our work to evaluate how well the UK Government is tackling the renewal of the Thames Gateway we explored how seven European cities or regions are tackling ambitious regeneration and bringing sustainable growth and renewal to local communities. We published our research as a companion piece to the Thames Gateway report.