Search results for 'Digital transformation'

Showing 101 - 109 of 109 results

  1. Progress in Making e-services Accessible to All: Encouraging use by Older People

    Report Value for money

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    More needs to be done to encourage older people – an increasingly large proportion of the population – to use government e-services if those services are to provide value for money, according to the National Audit Office. The government set itself a target that everyone who wants access to the internet has it by the […]

  2. Protecting information across government

    Press release

    Published on:

    Protecting information while re-designing public services and introducing the technology necessary to support them is an increasingly complex challenge.

  3. New IT Systems for Magistrates’ Courts: the Libra Project

    Report Value for money

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    A national standard IT system for magistrates’ courts has been under development for over ten years but is still not complete, Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today. The cost of the project has increased substantially since a PFI deal was signed in 1998. IT systems in magistrates’ courts […]

  4. The Implementation of the National Probation Service Information Systems Strategy

    Report Value for money

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    The National Probation Service Information Systems Strategy (NPSISS) network is operating in 38 out of the 42 new local probation areas in England and Wales. Nevertheless, there were serious problems in the development of a case recording and management system, known as CRAMS, leading to its use by a minority of probation service areas. During […]