Showing 1101 - 1120 of 2623 results

  1. Achievement of Foundation Trust status by NHS hospital trusts

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Many NHS trusts need to tackle a range of financial, quality and governance issues if they are to meet the standards required of them to become self-governing foundation trusts by 2014. The Department of Health and the NHS will now have to decide how they will deal with those facing the most severe problems.

  2. Auditing Behaviour Change

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    There is a growing belief that policy goals may be achieved more effectively if the design and use of interventions incorporate a better understanding of behaviour. This is therefore intrinsic to value for money. This guide provides the NAO’s emerging thinking on what a value for money assessment of a behaviour change programme may focus on.

  3. Means Testing

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    It will be difficult for government departments to achieve value for money from means-tested benefits unless government understands the impacts of means testing, learns from past experience and improves coordination between different benefits.

  4. Reducing Costs in HM Revenue & Customs

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    HMRC faces a significant challenge in securing a £1.6 billion reduction in running costs over the next four years, at the same time as increasing tax revenues, improving customer service and achieving reductions in welfare payments.

  5. PaceSetter: HMRC’s programme to improve business operations

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    PaceSetter has led to productivity improvements and may have contributed to greater staff engagement. However, the extent to which overall efficiency has improved is not clear; and some key principles of process improvement are not yet being applied strategically across the entire organisation.

  6. Social Fund White Paper Account 2010-11

    Report Financial audit

    Published on:

    The C&AG has qualified the Social Fund Account for the eighth consecutive year. The account has been qualified because of material levels of error in discretionary awards, which include Budgeting Loans, Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants, and in Funeral Expense Payments. He has also qualified, for the first time, his opinion on Cold Weather Payments.