Search results for 'Energy and environment'

Showing 81 - 100 of 304 results

  1. Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Department of Energy and Climate Change’s Green Deal design not only failed to deliver any meaningful benefit, it increased suppliers’ costs – and therefore energy bills – in meeting their obligations through the ECO scheme.

  2. Confirmed impacts: Helping Defra to better manage its facilities contract


    Published on:

    This impacts case study shows how our investigation of a contract in which Defra appeared to have been overcharged gave greater impetus and legitimacy to Defra’s approach to negotiating a settlement.

    It is one example of financial or non-financial benefits realised in 2014 as a result of our involvement, all of which are set out in our interactive PDF.

  3. Confirmed impacts: Securing better progress on nuclear decommissioning


    Published on:

    This impacts case study shows how reports by NAO and PAC resulted in the Nucelar Decommissioning Authority terminating its existing management contract and announcing a new approach, expected to improve management and reduce costs.

    It is one example of financial or non-financial benefits realised in 2014 as a result of our involvement, all of which are set out in our interactive PDF.

  4. Confirmed impacts: Highlighting an accountability gap in the reporting of the Levy Control Framework


    Published on:

    This impacts case study shows how our work influenced the Department for Energy and Climate Change and HM Treasury to improve their accountability, governance and data quality, resulting in regular reporting on consumer-funded policies.

    It is one example of financial or non-financial benefits realised in 2014 as a result of our involvement, all of which are set out in our interactive PDF.

  5. Environmental and sustainability metrics briefing

    Insight Good practice guides

    Published on:

    This briefing gives a high-level overview of the range of metrics that government uses to assess and report on sustainable development and environmental protection, and how these compare with good practice principles for a performance management framework.

  6. Managing disallowance risk

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Since 2005, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has incurred a total of £642 million in financial penalties relating to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in England.

  7. Progress on the Common Agricultural Policy Delivery Programme

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This an update on earlier reports by the NAO and Committee of Public Accounts on the progress of the Common Agricultural Policy Delivery Programme. It focuses primarily on the 2015 Basic Payment Scheme payments to English farmers and landowners and improvements to the process for the 2016 and future years.

  8. Review of the Thames Tideway Tunnel

    Report Value for money

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    This report examines the evidence base supporting the decision to proceed with the Thames Tideway Tunnel, a tunnel running 25 kilometres from Acton to Abbey Mills, as well as progress achieved to date.

  9. Sustainability reporting in central government: An update

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    This briefing, prepared for the Environmental Audit Committee, provides an update on the quality of sustainability reporting by central government departments. It includes a review of current and planned requirements.

  10. Electricity Balancing Services

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Electricity cannot be stored economically in large quantities, and electricity supply and demand throughout the UK must therefore be balanced on a second by second basis. As System Operator, National Grid is responsible for doing this, and it uses a variety of mechanisms which are collectively known as Balancing Services.