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  1. Ministry of Defence: Service Families Accommodation

    Report Value for money

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    A National Audit Office report has found that the condition of 90 per cent of the Service Families Accommodation in Britain is at the two highest of four standards. However a specially-conducted survey has however revealed that, while 52 per cent of Service families feel their Ministry of Defence accommodation is in a good condition, […]

  2. HMRC’s approach to collecting tax from high net worth individuals

    Press release

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    HMRC has a special unit to collect tax from high net worth individuals who are those with assets of £20m or more. While this special unit gives it a better understanding of the tax affairs and behaviours of these taxpayers it needs to evaluate what approaches are the most effective and to understand the outcome it achieves.

  3. The National Probation Service: the supervision of community orders in England and Wales

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office reported today that the effective delivery of community order sentences could be improved to secure the full benefits of the scheme by the National Probation Service. Not all components of community orders are used in all probation areas. In addition, there is incomplete data on the cost of orders and the […]

  4. Managing the BBC’s workforce

    Press release

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    The BBC’s approach to managing its workforce shows definite progress. It will need to monitor workforce changes carefully to build on the recent progress it has made.

  5. Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre

    Press release

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    It is important that the services for vulnerable people at the Yarls Wood Immigration Removal Centre are delivered ‘right first time’ and this did not happen here. Steps are now being taken to address the problems but 35% of the recommendations from Her Majesty’s Inspector of Prisons’ 2015 inspection have not yet been implemented.

  6. Efficiency in the criminal justice system

    Press release

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    Despite some improvements in the management of court cases, around two-thirds of criminal trials do not proceed as planned on the day they are originally scheduled. Delays and aborted hearings create extra work, waste scarce resources and undermine confidence in the justice system.

  7. Financial Management in the Home Office

    Report Value for money

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    The Home Office has made substantial improvements in its financial management since 2006, when the Comptroller and Auditor General disclaimed an opinion on its 2004-05 Resource Accounts. Further sustained improvement will still be needed over the next few years, so that good financial management becomes “business as usual” across all of the Department’s operations, which […]

  8. Department for International Development: Aid to Malawi

    Report Value for money

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    The Department for International Development’s programme in Malawi has contributed to poverty reduction, improved health outcomes, larger harvests and more effective governance in the country, according to a report by the National Audit Office.  It is difficult, however, to gauge how much of this progress can be attributed directly to DFID’s aid.  Progress has been […]

  9. The £13 billion sale of former Northern Rock assets

    Press release

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    The disposal of former Northern Rock mortgages and loans in 2015 was the government’s largest ever financial asset sale. When judged against the Government’s objective to shrink the balance sheet swiftly the deal was value for money.

  10. Proposed light rail schemes in Leeds, Manchester and South Hampshire. A review by the National Audit Office of the role of the Department for Transport

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office has examined the role of of the Department for Transport in assessing the revised proposals for light rail schemes in Leeds, Manchester and South Hampshire. Funding for these three schemes was originally approved by the Department in 2000 and 2001. But substantial increases in projected costs led to the Department withdrawing […]

  11. Regenerating the English Coalfields

    Report Value for money

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    Whitehall initiatives to revive former coalfield communities have helped to make them more attractive places to live and work but many remain among the most deprived areas in England and opportunities to help train local people and promote local businesses have been missed, the NAO has today reported. The regeneration effort has three strands: the […]

  12. Fourth Validation Compendium Report

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    Government departments have improved the quality of the data systems used to report progress against their Public Service Agreements. But a report out today by the National Audit Office found that although half of the data systems needed no further work, over a third, though broadly appropriate, needed strengthening and some 15 per cent were […]

  13. Financial Management in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

    Report Value for money

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    The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has made good progress in its financial management, aiming to establish itself as one of the best departments in Whitehall in this respect.  It has shown strong leadership in raising the profile of good financial management across the Department, according to a report today from the National Audit Office.  Up […]

  14. HM Revenue & Customs: Dealing with the tax obligations of older people

    Report Value for money

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    Older people are a growing group for HM Revenue & Customs and significant numbers pay too much or too little tax, according to a report released today by the National Audit Office. Errors occur because many people’s tax affairs become more complicated when they reach pension age and HMRC’s systems do not cope well with […]