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Showing 841 - 860 of 1294 results

  1. Tackling diffuse water pollution in England

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Environment Agency’s approach to tackling diffuse water pollution, such as run-off from agricultural land, has not, to date, proved value for money. The development of River Basin Management Plans now offers an opportunity to target work by the Agency and others to tackle this complex problem.

  2. Social Fund White Paper Account 2010-11

    Report Financial audit

    Published on:

    The C&AG has qualified the Social Fund Account for the eighth consecutive year. The account has been qualified because of material levels of error in discretionary awards, which include Budgeting Loans, Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants, and in Funeral Expense Payments. He has also qualified, for the first time, his opinion on Cold Weather Payments.

  3. Decision support tool
    Choose a funding channel

    This page is part of our decision support tool. Which channels can you use? You must choose one of the following three funding channels for the programme: [Footnote 1] Procurement: used to acquire goods, works or services in line with the government’s policy of value for money – “the optimum combination of whole-life cost and […]

  4. NAO Diversity Annual Report 2014-15

    Corporate information

    Published on:

    This report summarises our progress over the third year of the 2012-2015 strategy. As part of our commitment to the Public Sector Equality Duty we also publish equality data in our separate ‘Equality Information’ report.

  5. The impact of the 2007-08 changes to public service pensions

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Changes made in 2007-08 to public service pension schemes are on course to deliver savings and stabilise pension costs. However the value for money of the changes cannot be demonstrated in the absence of a strategic assessment of their long term impact on staff motivation and retention.

  6. Managing offenders on short custodial sentences

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    More could be done to rehabilitate prisoners serving short sentences and reduce their risk of re-offending, according to a National Audit Office report today. The National Offender Management Service (NOMS), responsible for managing such prisoners, has little information on the quality, cost or effectiveness of its rehabilitation activities.   More than 60,000 prisoners serve sentences […]

  7. Reducing losses in the benefits system caused by customers’ mistakes

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    DWP does not yet have enough evidence to demonstrate that its activities to reduce the cost of mistakes by customers have been value for money. Although mistakes are difficult to detect, correct and prevent, the scale of overpayments and underpayments demonstrates a clear need for improvement.

  8. Whole of Government Accounts 2016-17

    Press release

    Published on:

    The Whole of Government Accounts consolidates the accounts of over 7,000 bodies across the public sector, including central and local government and public corporations such as the Bank of England, to produce an accounts-based picture of the UK’s public finances.

  9. Lessons from PFI and other projects

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Lessons from the large body of experience of using PFI can be applied to improve other forms of procurement. Government should also do more to act as an ‘intelligent customer’ in the procurement and management of projects.

  10. The apprenticeships programme

    Press release

    Published on:

    This report assesses whether the apprenticeships programme is providing value for money.

  11. Tackling problem debt

    Press release

    Published on:

    This report aims to evaluate and conclude on HM Treasury’s overall approach to over-indebtedness.

  12. NAO Diversity Annual Report 2013-14

    Corporate information

    Published on:

    Diversity makes good business sense to the NAO. To achieve our ambitious strategy we need high-performing employees, drawn from as diverse and wide a talent pool as possible, working collaboratively. Our work covers the full range of public services delivered to all citizens. As such we need to keep in view the fairness with which public services are delivered and reflect this in our work, where appropriate, if we are to understand what matters to service users. Finally, as a public body we have a legal obligation to eliminate unlawful discrimination and promote equality and good relations in our own organisation.