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Showing 821 - 840 of 1294 results

  1. Core skills at HM Revenue and Customs

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    HM Revenue and Customs will have to make sure its staff have the right skills if the Department is to succeed in cutting its running costs by 25 per cent by 2014-2015 and bringing in each year an extra £7 billion of tax revenue.

  2. Oversight of special education for young people aged 16-25

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Course outcomes for young people aged 16-25 receiving special educational support are improving. However, a lack of understanding of the relationship between needs, costs and outcomes can lead to students not getting the right support, and risks compromising value for money.

  3. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Local government

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. Introduction A council wishes to commission support for vulnerable families in its area. The population is mixed in both economic and ethnic terms. School attainment varies markedly, as do ‘longer-term’ indicators, such as rising obesity and behavioural problems. Stakeholder engagement and communications A policy manager in the council takes […]

  4. Reducing Costs in HM Revenue & Customs

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    HMRC faces a significant challenge in securing a £1.6 billion reduction in running costs over the next four years, at the same time as increasing tax revenues, improving customer service and achieving reductions in welfare payments.

  5. NAO Diversity Annual Report 2011-12

    Corporate information

    Published on:

    An ambitious diversity programme that helps attract the best talent and encourages all staff to contribute fully is essential if we are to deliver our challenging corporate strategy.

  6. HMRC: The efficiency of National Insurance administration

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    HMRC has taken significant steps to improve the efficiency of National Insurance administration, but needs to demonstrate more clearly that it is providing value for money from the £350 million it spends each year and take advantage of opportunities to secure further savings.

  7. Investigation into government-funded inquiries

    Press release

    Published on:

    Given the prevalence of government-funded inquiries, the frequency with which the government uses them following high-profile failures, their importance in relation to the public’s trust of authorities, and the public funds spent on them, the NAO has conducted an investigation into the 26 inquiries that have started and concluded since 2005.

  8. Child Maintenance Client Funds Accounts 2016-17

    Press release

    Published on:

    The C&AG has qualified his audit opinions on the Client Funds Accounts prepared by the Department for Work and Pensions for the 1993 and 2003 Child Maintenance Schemes on the grounds of material levels of irregular receipts and payments and misstated arrears balances. However he has given a clean audit opinion on the 2012 Child Maintenance Scheme Account after improvements in the accuracy of assessing child maintenance claims.

    14 December 2017

  9. Spending reduction in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The FCO did well in 2009-10 in quickly bringing its expenditure down to within its budget. However, measurement and evaluation were limited. The FCO’s approach to cost reduction must now be fully strategic and sustainable. It will be vital to avoid damaging value for money through over-simplistic cuts.