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Showing 781 - 800 of 1294 results

  1. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 29


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 29 led by the Department for International Development: ‘Reducing poverty in poorer countries though quicker progress towards the Millennium Development Goals’

  2. Reducing bureaucracy in further education in England

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Skills Funding Agency are pursuing a range of initiatives to simplify funding, qualification and assurance systems in further education. However, they do not know the scale of the problem faced by further education colleges and other providers.

  3. Adult apprenticeships

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Apprenticeships for adults offer a good return for the public money spent on them overall. However, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills could improve value for money significantly by targeting resources on areas where the greatest economic returns can be achieved.

  4. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 27

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 27 led by the Department of Energy and Climate Change: ‘To lead the global effort to avoid dangerous climate change’

  5. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 11


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 11 led by the Department for Education: ‘Narrow the gap in educational attainment between children from low income and disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers respectively’

  6. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 17


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 17 led by the Department for Work and Pensions: ‘Tackle poverty and promote greater independence and well-being in later life’

  7. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 2


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 2 led by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills: ‘Improve the skills of the population, on the way to ensuring a world-class skills base by 2020’

  8. Ministry of Defence: The Major Projects Report 2010

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Central Departmental decisions by the Ministry of Defence to try to balance the defence budget have reduced its cash-flow requirements in the short-term but at a long-term cost that represents poor value for money for the taxpayer.

  9. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 22


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 22 led by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport: ‘Deliver a successful Olympic Games and Paralympic Games with a sustainable legacy and get more children and young people taking part in high quality PE and sport’

  10. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 9


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 9 led by HM Treasury: ‘Halve the number of children in poverty by 2010-11, on the way to eradicating child poverty by 2020’

  11. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 30


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 30 led by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office: ‘To reduce the impact of conflict through enhanced UK and international efforts’

  12. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 4


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 4 led by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills: ‘Promote world class science and innovation in the UK’

  13. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 1


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 1 led by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills: ‘Raise the productivity of the UK economy’

  14. Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 6


    Published on:

    Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 covering the period 2008-2011

    Review of the data systems for Public Service Agreement 6 led by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills: ‘Deliver the conditions of business success in the UK’

  15. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Grant or procurement?

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. The rules on when you can use grant and when you can use procurement mean there are many situations when a public body could use either. You need to decide which one is more suitable for your programme, service or intended outcome and is likely to provide the […]

  16. Successful commissioning toolkit
    When can I use grant?

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. Grant is an extremely useful way for a public body to fund a third sector organisation (TSO) for activity that is in line with one or more of the public body’s objectives. For example, a council that is concerned about the poor wellbeing of one of the communities […]