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Showing 601 - 620 of 1294 results

  1. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Delivering to users

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. Once a financial relationship has been established, a number of issues become more significant. All of these issues need to be considered earlier, certainly before services begin to be delivered, but this is a convenient point for us to discuss them: Risk management Sustainable financing Full cost recovery […]

  2. Taxpayer support for UK banks: FAQs

    Between 2007 and 2010, HM Treasury made a series of large financial interventions to support the financial stability of UK banking. This page sets out the work the NAO has done on the banking interventions and answers some frequently asked questions.

  3. Confirmed impacts: NAO report helps HMRC improve customer service (2013)


    Published on:

    Within the programme of improvement already started by HMRC, the NAO helped ensure that, in January 2013, HMRC committed to improving customer service.

    This NAO impacts case study represents one example where there has been some beneficial change, whether financial or non-financial, resulting from our involvement.

  4. Decision support tool
    Causal Maps

    This page is part of our decision support tool. The Causal Maps are the result of a systems modelling exercise to represent the dynamic relationships and complex nature of the MOD’s acquisition system. Download all of the maps, or see below for individual maps: Design for Whole Life-Cost Availability of Management Information Process Changes Effective […]

  5. Decommissioning toolkit
    Causal Maps

    This page is part of our decommissioning toolkit. The Causal Maps are the result of a systems modelling exercise to represent the dynamic relationships and complex nature of the MOD’s acquisition system. Download all of the maps, or see below for individual maps: Design for Whole Life-Cost Availability of Management Information Process Changes Effective Teamwork […]

  6. Decommissioning toolkit
    Skills & Resources

    This page is part of our decommissioning toolkit. Clear boundaries of authority Involve teams in joint working early Fully integrate leadership and organisation structure Build appropriate behaviours through all training e.g, safety training Integration of organisation and management structure were important levers on several projects i.e. selecting the right people for jobs regardless of their […]

  7. NAO Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report 2017-18

    Corporate information

    Published on:

    This report summarises our progress and activities over the final year of the 2015-2018 Diversity & Inclusion strategy. As part of our commitment to the Public Sector Equality Duty we also publish equality data in a separate report.

  8. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Practical issues

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. Using grant While grant making is less regulated than procurement, there remain important rules you need to follow if you choose this approach as the basis for a financial relationship. Elsewhere, we discuss the need for a power to pay a grant, and for the need to […]

  9. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Value for money and TSOs

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. It is important that financial relationships with third sector organisations (TSOs) are cost-effective, that good value for money is achieved by the programme or service involved. Poor value for money means either that: more needs to be spent to achieve the expected outcomes, leaving less money for other […]

  10. Decommissioning toolkit
    Stakeholder involvement

    This page is part of our decommissioning toolkit. When should stakeholders be involved? It is good practice to involve users and providers in undertaking any impact assessment at this stage. Providers will have information about the impact a service is having ‘on the ground’ and what the implications for any changes to the service may […]

  11. The Equipment Plan 2020-2030

    Press release

    Published on:

    This report reviews the robustness of assumptions underpinning the Ministry of Defence’s 2020–2030 Equipment Plan.

  12. Successful commissioning toolkit

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. Intelligent monitoring What is ’intelligent monitoring’? ‘Intelligent monitoring’ is the term used for putting into practice the principles of good monitoring and for avoiding the pitfalls of poor practice in monitoring. Practical considerations In carrying out intelligent monitoring, there is a series of practical considerations. These are […]

  13. Successful commissioning toolkit
    Assessing needs

    This page is part of our successful commissioning toolkit. There are many models of the commissioning cycle but all share some common features and all include, in some form or another, a stage where the needs of the population you serve are assessed. Assessing needs may form part of a higher-level process called ‘analyse’ or ‘strategic […]

  14. Police accountability: Landscape review

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The new policing oversight framework has been in place for a year but already there are gaps in the system with the potential to undermine accountability both to the Home Office and the public.

  15. Progress in making NHS efficiency savings

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The NHS made a substantial amount of efficiency savings in 2011-12. These will need to be sustained and built on if savings targets are to be met.

  16. Maternity services in England

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Most women have good outcomes from NHS maternity services, but there are significant and unexplained variations in performance around the country.