Search results for 'Commercial and financial management'

Showing 501 - 520 of 634 results

  1. Managing the relationship to secure a successful partnership in PFI projects

    Report Value for money

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    Most (81%) public bodies involved in PFI projects believe that they are achieving satisfactory or better value for money from their PFI contracts according to a National Audit Office report presented to Parliament today, based on the first ever major survey of central government PFI projects in progress. There was generally positive feedback from service […]

  2. Managing the BBC’s workforce

    Press release

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    The BBC’s approach to managing its workforce shows definite progress. It will need to monitor workforce changes carefully to build on the recent progress it has made.

  3. Ministry of Defence: The Rapid Procurement of Capability to Support Operations

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office report on Urgent Operational Requirements (UORs), whereby the Ministry of Defence (MoD) uses a streamlined version of its procedures to support operations by buying equipment quickly, finds that UORs are a necessary and increasingly important feature of operations and that the Department has shown impressive ingenuity to deliver urgent requirements to […]

  4. Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ): New Accommodation Programme

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office, reported to Parliament today that GCHQs new headquarter building, which will cost GCHQ about 46 million a year, and which was procured through a PFI deal, was on track to be delivered on time and within its finally determined budget; and it was handled well overall. […]

  5. English Partnerships – Regeneration of the Millennium Dome and Associated Land

    Report Value for money

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    The second attempt to find a worthwhile use for the Millennium Dome and associated land on the Greenwich Peninsula avoided many of the problems of the earlier abortive sale competition. It has led to a deal which looks capable of meeting government’s objectives as the Peninsula is developed over the next two decades, Sir John […]

  6. Progress on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link

    Report Value for money

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    The National Audit Office’s report finds that London & Continental Railways (LCR) successfully completed the construction of Section 1 of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) on time and at a cost slightly below the target set in the 1998 restructuring. Drawing on the reasons for this achievement, the NAO report highlights lessons for other […]

  7. PFI: The STEPS Deal

    Report Value for money

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    Sir John Bourn, head of the National Audit Office today reported to Parliament on the £1.5 billion Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector (STEPS) PFI deal entered into by Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise with a private sector consortium known as Mapeley STEPS. The deal incorporates the transfer of the ownership […]

  8. Capital funding for schools

    Press release

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    The Department must make the best use of the capital funding it has available by continuing to increase the use of data to inform its funding decisions and by creating places where it can demonstrate that they will have the greatest impact.

  9. Improving public transport in England through light rail

    Report Value for money

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    Modern light rail systems, such as Croydon Tramlink and Manchester Metrolink, have brought significant benefits to passengers, according to a report Parliament by the head of the National Audit Office, Sir John Bourn. They deliver fast, frequent and reliable services and provide a comfortable and safe journey. Their modern look and attractive services have enhanced […]

  10. Ministry of Defence – Battlefield Helicopters

    Report Value for money

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    Pooling the Royal Navy’s, Army’s and Royal Air Force’s battlefield helicopters has brought significant benefits, Sir John Bourn, the head of the National Audit Office, told Parliament today. Efficiencies have been produced through a joined up approach, by standardising procedures and removing duplication, but there is a large shortfall in helicopter capability and further improvements […]

  11. The Ministry of Defence’s arrangement with Annington Property Limited

    Press release

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    The Ministry of Defence (the Department) has committed itself to annual rental bills of nearly £200 million and lost out on billions of pounds of asset value as a result of selling and leasing back the majority of its married quarters estate to Annington Property Limited in 1996 because of the subsequent steep increase in house prices and rents.

  12. Motability

    Report Value for money

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