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Showing 481 - 500 of 1294 results

  1. HM Courts and Tribunals Trust Statement 2013-14

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    Amyas Morse, Comptroller and Auditor General, has for the first time provided a clear audit opinion on the financial statements of HM Courts and Tribunals Service. He has today reported to Parliament that HM Courts and Tribunals Service has significantly improved its ability to report on fines, penalties and confiscation orders.

  2. Managing tax compliance following the pandemic

    Press release

    Published on:

    This examines the extent to which HMRC is well-placed to manage its compliance work following the pandemic, including future risks and challenges.

  3. Achieving net zero

    Press release

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    This report applies experience from auditing cross-government challenges to highlight the risks government needs to manage to achieve net zero.

  4. Social Fund White Paper Account 2013-14

    Report Financial audit

    Published on:

    For the first time since 2009-10, the Social Fund White Paper account has not been qualified on the grounds of the completeness, existence and valuation of the debt balance.

  5. Care Act first-phase reforms

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The first phase of the Care Act has been implemented well, but this places new responsibilities on local authorities whose core funding is being significantly reduced.

  6. Local government new burdens

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The Department for Communities and Local Government has taken steps since November 2014 to improve its understanding of new burdens on local authorities.

  7. Improving Single Living Accommodation

    Press release

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    This report examines whether single living accommodation meets the needs of the Ministry of Defence and service personnel.

  8. Update on preparations for Smart Metering

    Report Value for money

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    The economic case for the smart metering programme remains positive but there are significant risks and challenges to successful implementation, which must be managed.

  9. Reform of the rail franchising programme

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The management of rail franchising has improved since 2012 however significant risks remain to achieving value for money as the programme develops.

  10. NAO Annual Report and Accounts 2016-17

    Corporate information

    Published on:

    The government has agreed that Principal Accounting Officers of the main central government departments should provide a statement of their accountability systems, covering all of the relevant accountability relationships within the department, including relationships with arm’s length bodies and third party delivery partners in an Accounting Officer System Statement. This requirement does not apply to the NAO, but our accountability relationships and processes are set out in full in our Governance Statement and other sections of the Annual Report.

  11. Progress with the New Hospital Programme

    Press release

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    The New Hospital Programme (NHP) has experienced delays and is expected to deliver 32 of the intended target of 40 new hospitals by 2030.

  12. Tackling local breaches of air quality

    Press release

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    This report examines government’s progress in tackling local breaches of NO2 limits and its performance on air quality more broadly.

  13. Homelessness

    Press release

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    Homelessness has increased across all measures since 2010, with many local authorities now seeing it as a risk to their financial sustainability.

  14. Care Quality Commission

    Report Value for money

    Published on:

    The CQC, the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England, has made substantial progress but needs to recruit and train staff and build a new organisational culture.

  15. Managing NHS backlogs and waiting times in England

    Press release

    Published on:

    This is our second report on backlogs for elective and cancer care. It examines the design of NHSE’s recovery plan, how the NHS has been implementing the plan and the ongoing risks NHSE has to manage.